Reviews about minecraft servers and players

List of all comments on Minecraft servers and players. Discussions and players comments.
  • ANNAH FF_5542 about server : server is off, normal mode minewonderland po3
  • YupiBrous_7378 about plugin baubles и что озночает безделушки что в них входт

  • эндермен_ПРО771 about server да вы надоели в вапервых сервер полнацено ванилен он обновляется таже на снапшоты и там норм сервер спавн прикольный а сам админ слидит за читерами и их судет а у админа зам есть дила на сервер из-за таво что он имеит полное право над сервером и сможет ево паченить если надо или вайпить
  • squidmon174_5162 about server ich finde den server sehr toll! Viele tolle leute und ich habe viel spaß am spielen!
  • hadziqPro_ about player hadziqPro_ this is my account

  • zxcweird_!7155 about server : где мой Гвардеец, ало? by weird_view
  • XxXVova3XxX_2474 about server : сервер пушка, выдайте мне чародея ник Capk121
  • AMGewka about server : Одмены топ (АМГешка чудовище) всем советую
  • SteeltonMC about player MrFantomy This player is a hacker.
  • Stattizy_4337 about plugin CrackShotPlus How do i put a real gun sound into my gun?
  • ferco_455205 about server : sumpah ini server terkeren

  • Rooster_Boy about server I was recently banned for using Xray, and I admit I was using the resource pack. I wish to apologize for it and ask for a second chance. I apologize for using it, and ask for forgiveness.

  • Afeef_1060 about player DiodeNada hey im diode's friend he plays more than 12 hours per day and he is a pro gamer,
    he has many farms and builds in the server, he is one of the wealthiest in the server.

  • Afeef_1060 about player Ashthepro1 Hey! I am Ashthepro, I play on kotcraft on a huge town named arstotzka its builded by me and my friends ggmcbumumshrey, Deltahalo, Itznoahlols, Monylols, and many more players!
    I do have a youtube channel but i don't upload any videos.

    thanks for reaching out!

  • decoder_103270 about player DropperOfMilva DropperOfRivia!
  • IRON_BOL1112 about player Bobby1545 join
  • Cleanupisle_371955 about server : Hello, my name is Cleanupisle37 or Just_Void as most poeple know me. I am the co owner of this server and I never once approved for the IP to be uploaded to added to this website. I don't see how its possible that the IP even ended up here; our server was made completely private. I want to speak to someone in charge about how this happened. Email me at [email protected]. We need to have a serious chat.
  • FicspPY_9581 about player YTPLAY Я начальный ютубер Я сейчас хотел сменить аву на ютубе ищю свой скин и вот натыкаюсь на это хотя у меня другой скин и больше никто не мог играть на сервере
  • FicspPY_9581 about player YTPLAY Я YTPLAY Это я играл на Ваниле вот доки этого
