General statistics

Global statistics of minecraft servers, the total number of players online, statistics by countries and minecraft versions


Total: 56 098
Online: 3 102
Offline: 244
Excluded: 52 773


Total: 30 435 473
Online: 151 390
Today: 1 479
Average: 120 847


Online players charts on Minecraft servers

The chart shows the total number of players online over the past 24 hours, with an interval of 10 minutes.

Charts of available minecraft servers

The chart shows the total number of online servers during the last 24 hours, the chart is updated every 10 minutes.

Audience of the unique Minecraft players this month

The chart shows the daily audience of unique players who played on the Minecraft servers within a month.

Servers by versions

The chart shows the percentage of servers versions, the chart can determine which version is the most popular among all Minecraft servers.
1.21.4 889
1.21 422
1.21.1 361
1.20.1 203
1.21.3 157
1.20.4 143
1.12.2 69
1.20 68
1.16.5 62
1.20.6 60
1.19.2 41
1.18.2 35
1.7.10 33
1.19 33
1.20.2 30
1.19.4 20
1.8.8 19
1.19.3 10
1.18 10
1.18.1 9
1.17.1 8
1.11.2 6
1.16 4
1.8 4
1.17 3
1.12 3
1.15 3
1.13 3
1.14 3
1.14.4 3
1.13.2 2
1.16.4 2
1.16.1 2
1.20.5 2
1.19.1 2
1.15.2 2
2.0 2
1.21.2 1
1.16.2 1
1.2 1
1.2.5 1
1.7.9 1
1.4.7 1
1.8.1 1
1.7 1
1.5.2 1
1.14.3 1
1.16.0 1
