Reviews about minecraft servers and players
List of all comments on Minecraft servers and players. Discussions and players comments.-
knyaz_eidolon_Minecraft8674 about server : Обновіть інформацію стаття не відповідає дійсності вже дуже давно
BountyHunter about server The server is probably the funnest java server I have been on in my 5 years of mc
Sourav_Kumar6304 about server : Here is a public SMP For you all which pe and java both players can join and this server also supports launchers but version could be 1.18.x. This is a free server which is lag free and containing plugins and you can play with your pe friends from your computer. You can also play with me because i will also online sometimes. If you haven't subscribed to my plz subscribe name= ADMN YouTuber. Thanks!!
lhug about server JUST ADDED VANILLA WITH SPRINKLES!!!!!1.18 Minecraft with virtually no plugins!!
SoloPlayer88 about server A great server for friends and new players to try out. It is maintained regularly and has been online Since the beginning of December 2021!
Dewely_4826 about plugin goPaint помогите не работает плагин т.к. fast acync world edit не работает с world edit и отключаеться а goPaint нужны оба плагины
Денисенко_Егор3750 about plugin MoonCases А как поставить кейс с донатом вот я пишу /cases setcase а что дальше я не понял