Reviews about minecraft servers and players

List of all comments on Minecraft servers and players. Discussions and players comments.
  • derexXD about player GalacticComet GalacticComet is a known convict on derex smp and currently jailed.
  • derexXD about player F0XA player on derex smp
  • derexXD about player Pocho8 player on derex smp
  • derexXD about player AyazMost bigredsponge on derex smp
  • derexXD about player Technical Player Technical is currently jailed on derex smp due to using hacked clients.
  • derexXD about player Audo1609 Audo1609 is a known hacker and current convict on derex smp
  • derexXD about player b9st b9st is a known hacker and current convict on derex smp
  • NoteSwiper about player NoteSwiper hi this is my account huh
  • kingsilver_3697 about player CuteShiba whatts ur discord

  • kingsilver_3697 about player CuteShiba CUTESHIBA ITS ME KING_SILVER

  • Amir about server Я админ
  • derexXD about player MakeURegret Player MakeURegret joined derex smp, and began sending multiple bigoted messages to online players at the time, making several of them uncomfortable. He has now been muted and placed in low security prison.
  • derexXD about player H4logen player on derex smp
  • Bwst_Dsdf8509 about player maxozord Ку, я nikolo_o0, напиши мне по дс: Nikrozord
  • Eleonor_Gonzales4688 about server Can I join
  • derexXD about player _Carvvy

    video made by the server community of his horrific crimes against playerkind /j

  • lolmaojustmeme about player KKvitkaA Найкраща будівельниця, що я бачив!
  • lolmaojustmeme about player lolmaojustmeme It's me!
  • Reushi about server Чудовий сервер з підтримуючим ком'юніті! Кожному знайдеться місце незалежно від їх стилю гри чи вподобань.
  • lolmaojustmeme about server Неймовірно базований Український сервер з ламповою атмосферою. Всім рекомендую!
