Untopia - v1.19.3News: We've gone full retard

State: offline
IP address and port:
(click to copy)
Players: 0/50
Version: 1.19.3
Country: US USA
Server type: PC Edition
Game type: SMP
Map: world
Updated: Excluded from monitoring
Last online:
Last offline:
Server software: Paper 1.19.3
Untopia uses towny for players to construct towns and have full protection for your builds and protection from being attacked, but only within the town borders. Any builds within town borders cannot be griefed. Additionally, you must lock containers within your town to protect them from looting. PVP can be toggled off or on in your town as you see fit.

In the wilderness however (outside of town borders) you will find the rest of the map offers a ton of freedom to do what you want and a level of danger and lawlessness to make things more interesting. PVP is enabled, there are no griefing or looting rules and there are almost no rules on gameplay. (see the /rules because we do have just a few things not allowed)

Some of the Server's Features:
- In some ways we do try and keep things semi-vanilla, however we do have some plugins to add some various features. We also have a few custom enchants and custom items you can obtain.
- We use McMMO to add some additional skills and a leveling system to the game.
- We have a rank and economy system, allowing you to get paid "coins" for various jobs on the server. You can use coins to purchase new ranks, which allows you to get more perks and abilities. Coins are also the currency for buying/selling at player shops.
- Player Driven Economy - Setup your own player store to buy/sell goods to other players. At a certain rank you can setup a player warp to allow others to teleport to your shop and do business.
- /homes, /playwarps and /town teleports are available, but limited, to help encourage some exploration and travel.
- When you die, your inventory will go into a grave chest, and you are provided a compass enabling you to go back to where you died. Grave chest can be looted by anyone.

#pvp #pve #mcmmo #towny #prison

How to connect and play on this server?

  1. You must have the game version 1.19.3 installed.
    How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.19.3
  2. Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load.
  3. Choose: Multiplayer
  4. Click the button "Direct connect", or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button "Add server"
  5. In the field "Server address" write: play.untopia.net (click to copy)
  • play.untopia.net




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  • 30 minutes ago
    Minecraft StatisticWelcome to the server page! There are no comments on this server yet. Write a comment on the server! Do you like to play on it? What's interesting on the server? What's wrong while playing on the server? Write about your adventures, game events, buildings, and add your screenshots.

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