Players rating - MC.DZELME.LV Server 1.17.1+WELCOME

Players rating based on the total time, spent on the server MC.DZELME.LV Server 1.17.1+WELCOME. TOP of the best players being from the moment of adding a server to monitor (16.12.2022), updated statistics and simulated time occur once a day. This list shows the best players of the server MC.DZELME.LV Server 1.17.1+WELCOME.

In TOP 165 players. Last updated of the players ranking was 2023.01.04 16:32. The rating will be updated 2023.01.05 02:59.

All Time

# Player name Time
1 Straight Straight 77:30 h
2 FZHA FZHA 76:50 h
3 ncne ncne 52:00 h
4 Adzans_lv Adzans_lv 41:40 h
5 Dzelme Dzelme 39:30 h
6 Winter_Shark Winter_Shark 38:20 h
7 Bullrunerwolf Bullrunerwolf 37:50 h
8 Lixiiz Lixiiz 35:00 h
9 BOSS BOSS 34:30 h
10 Puikins Puikins 33:40 h
11 Aladins_Ahmeds Aladins_Ahmeds 30:30 h
12 str0n9er str0n9er 28:10 h
13 Reinoox Reinoox 24:20 h
14 rain rain 24:40 h
15 Koltario Koltario 24:40 h
16 Delusional Delusional 22:00 h
17 XoXoThe1st XoXoThe1st 21:20 h
18 habiks habiks 21:50 h
19 Legendawen Legendawen 19:10 h
20 jankajeee jankajeee 18:20 h
21 Gabriel_49 Gabriel_49 17:10 h
22 Sunless777 Sunless777 15:10 h
23 ricardskakabiks ricardskakabiks 15:50 h
24 ops567 ops567 15:40 h
25 Kelv777 Kelv777 15:40 h
26 Dark25Soul Dark25Soul 15:40 h
27 CallMemartins0 CallMemartins0 14:50 h
28 monsterr monsterr 13:00 h
29 Rihis Rihis 12:00 h
30 Digbu Digbu 11:00 h

server ip address and port




