Players rating - ----[--- Relic Craft ---]---- Vote using /vote for coins and more!

Players rating based on the total time, spent on the server ----[--- Relic Craft ---]---- Vote using /vote for coins and more!. TOP of the best players being from the moment of adding a server to monitor (23.06.2023), updated statistics and simulated time occur once a day. This list shows the best players of the server ----[--- Relic Craft ---]---- Vote using /vote for coins and more!.

In TOP 22 players. Last updated of the players ranking was 2023.08.16 04:30. The rating will be updated 2023.08.16 04:59.

All Time

# Player name Time
1 GodlyOdd GodlyOdd 26:00 h
2 Lilba_6144 Lilba_6144 21:30 h
3 Jimb0598 Jimb0598 11:50 h
4 FamousYard FamousYard 4:50 h
5 Voided_noob Voided_noob 3:20 h
6 tinaxy tinaxy 3:40 h
7 Boyz4Life7 Boyz4Life7 2:40 h
8 EpicReverbFart EpicReverbFart 1:00 h
9 lawlikeed lawlikeed 1:00 h
10 Teksy Teksy 1:00 h
11 TofuNinja898 TofuNinja898 1:00 h
12 DreamyWillow DreamyWillow 1:00 h
13 Cormzart Cormzart 1:50 h
14 terkz_dk12 terkz_dk12 0:20 h
15 f4de10196 f4de10196 0:20 h
16 Funboy007 Funboy007 0:10 h
17 RabbidBunny0205 RabbidBunny0205 0:10 h
18 Wilvekio Wilvekio 0:10 h
19 Mr_toast25 Mr_toast25 0:10 h
20 CoolKidMT10 CoolKidMT10 0:10 h
21 _BuZzer199 _BuZzer199 0:10 h
22 hydra_wastaken hydra_wastaken 0:10 h

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