Players rating - CygnusCraft 1.17.1

Players rating based on the total time, spent on the server CygnusCraft 1.17.1. TOP of the best players being from the moment of adding a server to monitor (30.01.2021), updated statistics and simulated time occur once a day. This list shows the best players of the server CygnusCraft 1.17.1.

In TOP 84 players. Last updated of the players ranking was 2021.09.21 09:27. The rating will be updated 2021.09.22 02:59.

All Time

# Player name Time
61 Dr_Papalavaskia Dr_Papalavaskia 0:10 h
62 rainingbuggy rainingbuggy 0:10 h
63 K3ll3ndr0s K3ll3ndr0s 0:10 h
64 1Lastik_Last1 1Lastik_Last1 0:10 h
65 catsupernova12 catsupernova12 0:10 h
66 Red_X3203 Red_X3203 0:10 h
67 KS2013 KS2013 0:10 h
68 griffer31O griffer31O 0:10 h
69 Patoriku92 Patoriku92 0:10 h
70 FakeVegetable FakeVegetable 0:10 h
71 xangelllx xangelllx 0:10 h
72 CamelCum CamelCum 0:10 h
73 MulliganMayhem MulliganMayhem 0:10 h
74 GamerGuy443 GamerGuy443 0:10 h
75 Negate_Separate Negate_Separate 0:10 h
76 Griffer31O Griffer31O 0:10 h
77 blockswerker blockswerker 0:10 h
78 stargirlx stargirlx 0:10 h
79 xavier12378 xavier12378 0:10 h
80 slipstream93 slipstream93 0:10 h
81 Lone_Aviator Lone_Aviator 0:10 h
82 Ms_Papalavaskia Ms_Papalavaskia 0:10 h
83 X_WRLD_X X_WRLD_X 0:10 h
84 piggR piggR 0:10 h

server ip address and port




