Players rating - ⚔️

Players rating based on the total time, spent on the server ⚔️. TOP of the best players being from the moment of adding a server to monitor (31.08.2022), updated statistics and simulated time occur once a day. This list shows the best players of the server ⚔️.

In TOP 737 players. Last updated of the players ranking was 2022.10.25 01:14. The rating will be updated 2022.10.25 04:59.

All Time

# Player name Time
1 RezzaOT RezzaOT 47:10 h
2 ExShadow68 ExShadow68 41:50 h
3 ScotrianFan123 ScotrianFan123 37:50 h
4 TeliV TeliV 36:40 h
5 _streaky _streaky 34:40 h
6 Blissterz Blissterz 34:30 h
7 1Taxington 1Taxington 31:50 h
8 Bulgariaan Bulgariaan 30:30 h
9 hamzatn hamzatn 29:10 h
10 Fujairah Fujairah 28:10 h
11 Kippehz Kippehz 27:20 h
12 ReformedErwin ReformedErwin 27:10 h
13 Cipherv Cipherv 24:20 h
14 W01fk W01fk 24:20 h
15 vexteq vexteq 24:30 h
16 CheeseJP CheeseJP 23:10 h
17 lilpures lilpures 23:10 h
18 FlipperdeFlop FlipperdeFlop 23:40 h
19 QuackiOh QuackiOh 20:00 h
20 Tai000 Tai000 20:50 h
21 gimabis gimabis 20:30 h
22 Wnamee Wnamee 20:30 h
23 dnalawl dnalawl 19:00 h
24 Radz__ Radz__ 19:50 h
25 Gamer_DvD Gamer_DvD 18:10 h
26 Dnnh Dnnh 18:00 h
27 ERZ3NL1 ERZ3NL1 18:50 h
28 PlantRivi PlantRivi 18:30 h
29 Real_Str0 Real_Str0 17:30 h
30 lylo lylo 16:20 h

server ip address and port




