Players rating - 12345678902347 GigaSMP 12456789012345612345678901234567890123456789012345678

Players rating based on the total time, spent on the server 12345678902347 GigaSMP 12456789012345612345678901234567890123456789012345678. TOP of the best players being from the moment of adding a server to monitor (03.12.2022), updated statistics and simulated time occur once a day. This list shows the best players of the server 12345678902347 GigaSMP 12456789012345612345678901234567890123456789012345678.

In TOP 123 players. Last updated of the players ranking was 2023.01.27 02:30. The rating will be updated 2023.01.27 04:59.

All Time

# Player name Time
31 CannedFoodDrive CannedFoodDrive 7:00 h
32 MrBouncyBallz MrBouncyBallz 6:50 h
33 OakPunch OakPunch 5:10 h
34 ChiefMadd ChiefMadd 5:10 h
35 Kaijatt Kaijatt 4:20 h
36 AfxGlg7186 AfxGlg7186 4:40 h
37 LordP00PbUTT LordP00PbUTT 3:10 h
38 StarBoy37 StarBoy37 3:50 h
39 EliteOp EliteOp 3:40 h
40 Shadow_Kirby Shadow_Kirby 3:40 h
41 quaint_panic quaint_panic 3:40 h
42 BiscuitBoy78 BiscuitBoy78 3:40 h
43 ZesticBot ZesticBot 3:40 h
44 Motor_Horizon Motor_Horizon 3:30 h
45 SansDeltarune SansDeltarune 3:30 h
46 antifurrep antifurrep 3:30 h
47 C1V1CS C1V1CS 2:50 h
48 Oreox4 Oreox4 2:40 h
49 JustRiddle JustRiddle 2:40 h
50 XxmegaexX XxmegaexX 2:40 h
51 alovelettertoyou alovelettertoyou 2:30 h
52 0hZoom 0hZoom 2:30 h
53 Rolli_Zolli Rolli_Zolli 2:30 h
54 xlDestructorlx xlDestructorlx 1:20 h
55 Acrene Acrene 1:20 h
56 ExodusGoneCrazy ExodusGoneCrazy 1:20 h
57 KingNickwat KingNickwat 1:20 h
58 Mr_offe2 Mr_offe2 1:10 h
59 jacobwatari jacobwatari 1:10 h
60 XxCuteKnightxX XxCuteKnightxX 1:00 h

server ip address and port




