

  • 2021-03-07 00:19:43
  • Google
  • Comments - 2
  • Servers - 1
  • Players - 0

About me

Hello from the french riviera ! I mostly do building, but i also like pvp even if im not really good. I have a server that i started 2 and a half years ago, and i plan to keep it until Minecraft dies (never), or I get poor for any reason and cant pay the server anymore.
Im also born on my birthday and i've never been older than today.

moi=PD c: / Discord UnePersonne#1234
  • Yoshi_1591 about server : wsh cv j'ecris un commentaire en français pcq y'a personne qui parle français ici jsp pk y'a que du russe ou jsp quoi donc bjr qd mm.
  • Yoshi_1591 about server : My own server is cool, dont join it tho, its whitelisted, ok you can just add me on discord UnePersonne#1234 .
  • 5398

