- 2017-09-04 11:13:56
- Comments - 2
- Servers - 0
- Players - 0

FluffiestKitty about player
FluffiestKitty And I dont know anyone on the thing that says she might know these players except hampoon... I also know WAY more people then just hampoon...

FluffiestKitty about player
FluffiestKitty Lol this has a few flaws.... for one my skin is a alex model... for 2 i am online on mc rn..... and for 3 I HAVE PLAYED WAY MORE THEN 3 SERVERS!!! AND MY AVRAGE PLAYING PER DAY ISNT 0 MINUTES!? It also says that the last time ive played was 1 months, 5 days, 8 hours, 8 minutes ago when i play every day (not EVERRRRYYYY single day but yes i play mostly every day)