- 2017-01-26 10:12:46
- Comments - 2
- Servers - 0
- Players - 3

Kiwishiwi about player
Kiwishiwi Hi, this is my account. I mostly play vanilla minecraft servers nowadays. A few days ago, I used Server.pro to make a free server for up to 12 players at a time. I do have a youtube channel. but it's for music, not minecraft. I might make minecraft videos in the future, though. The name of my server is Flurgelborf.myserver.gs if anyone wants to play.

Kiwishiwi about player
ANNACAROS123 ANNACAROS123 is in fact a she. We used to play on the HarvestCraft server together. I don't play on that server anymore though and I'm not sure if she does either. That's all I can tell you about her.