

  • 2017-01-25 15:07:37
  • google
  • us USA
  • Comments - 4
  • Servers - 1
  • Players - 0
  • SmartTV about player HoogleyBoogley Super annoying and immature person, was a staff member on my server, even called the police on me for harassment just because I messaged him too many times and decided to demote him from his staff position. Don't recommend this player to any server...
  • SmartTV about player Helmer2005 This player griefed my whole entire server glad I have CoreProtect, I would not approve this player in any whitelisted community as well as EnderElis and xXalbinPvPxX all together they ruined my community.
  • SmartTV about player EnderElis This player griefed my whole entire server glad I have CoreProtect, I would not approve this player in any whitelisted community as well as xXalbinPvPxX and Helmer2005, all together they ruined my community.
  • SmartTV about player xXAlBiNPvPXx This player griefed my whole entire server glad I have CoreProtect, I would not approve this player in any whitelisted community as well as EnderElis and Helmer2005, all together they ruined my community.
  • 5412

