- 2016-09-01 16:48:33
- Comments - 1
- Servers - 0
- Players - 0

Charlizard1030 about server : This server replaces the original NerdCubed server that was closed down in December of 2015. It has survival, with a town called Dancouver, which means that players are friendly towards one another and help each other out. Griefing, raiding, and other disrespect are not allowed. I am not an admin on the server as of now, but I am one of the most active members. The server provides players with free food (due to a semi-automatic melon farm), a free postal service, and free shelter to new players. A player can build on any land not owned by another player or otherwise told not to (ex. in a farm, in an invite-only neighborhood). The server is not getting many people online as of August 2016, but that is due to an ip address glitch where the only way to access the server is through the numbered one, instead of using "n3.s.co". TL;DR: this server is good for people looking for a closely tied community server with similar rules and general design to the original NerdCubed server.