- 2016-08-03 22:27:22
- youtube
- Comments - 1
- Servers - 0
- Players - 0

BugzTheMiner about player
BugzTheMiner I do have a channel and its hard to find but I was a young lad once well younger and my and I thought I was nothing buy a waste of matter in the world but when I watched YouTube for he first time i was so fascinated by the people them selves and thought I wanted to do that my self so I started with a few vlogs and then moved to bandicam without a mice and my minecraft name ba k then was r2d2hi123 and I had an r2d2 skin not custom and I thought u was so cool until I saw my friend with good quality and you could here him and wanted to do that my self but it took me a year or to to get software and a mic with headphones and a good PC so that was tough but its good now just can't post often because of problems with family but will he resolved soon