

  • 2016-07-05 11:37:13
  • google
  • hk Hong Kong
  • Comments - 3
  • Servers - 0
  • Players - 0
  • HayDereImPunny about player HayDereImMNT I am HayDereImPunny, no longer MNT. I did play on Pixelmon Harmony, but I did not play on BlockoutMC. I play on GGMC and Jectile mainly. I am extremely disappointed and furious, how this website create lies about my profile.
  • HayDereImPunny about player GingerSSX Hello GingerSSX, Im X_LiterallyMNT_X T. You might not recognise me, but I am the server owner of MNT Craft. Im curious about how did you get the ip of my server? Of course I didn't question that much as I don't know you and you joined a private server, so I banned you. Straight before that ban, a player called TheChevy joined. I checked the ip and it's not the same, but Im interested that if you and him know each other. And how did you get the ip of my server.
  • HayDereImPunny about player TheChevy Hello the Chevy, Im X_LiterallyMNT_X T. You might not recognise me, but I am the server owner of MNT Craft. Im curious about how did you get the ip of my server? Of course I didn't question that much as I don't know you and you joined a private server, so I banned you. Straight after that ban, a player called GingerSSX joined. I checked the ip and it's not the same, but Im interested that if you and him know each other. And how did you get the ip of my server.
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