- 2015-09-09 22:49:26
- Comments - 1
- Servers - 2
- Players - 0

Wez about server What you can expect on this server
- Good starter kit
- 10.000$ starter balance to improve your experience
- Shop (With spawners)
- Auction house
- Griefprevention
- Casino with lots of games
- Rare item chest at spawn every 3 hours
- Lottery
- Leveling and earning in-game currency while you play
- Fast updates and improvements
- Multiple luckyblocks you can buy
- Rank commands for free
- Set up a bounty against other players for a reward
- Get revived after you would normally die
- Earn in-game currency for just being online
- Custom loot drops
- Custom recipes
- Use a leash on players and all mobs
- All recipes unlocked
- Bad words are censored
- Turn money into a paper item
- Trade with other players
- Mobs drop money and heads
- Level up your skills
- Server-wide buffs
- Easily sort, drop in, and take from chests
- Server stays online even when mojang is down
- Official minecraft users only
- Hosted in Europe, Germany
- Receive 1000$ in-game currency for reporting bugs & exploits
- Inspect block history
- Share your items, inventory in chat
- Buy and sell everywhere
- No rules, everything is configured into the server itself
- No mob block griefing
- Use lava and water everywhere
- Buy custom head blocks
- Good starter kit
- 10.000$ starter balance to improve your experience
- Shop (With spawners)
- Auction house
- Griefprevention
- Casino with lots of games
- Rare item chest at spawn every 3 hours
- Lottery
- Leveling and earning in-game currency while you play
- Fast updates and improvements
- Multiple luckyblocks you can buy
- Rank commands for free
- Set up a bounty against other players for a reward
- Get revived after you would normally die
- Earn in-game currency for just being online
- Custom loot drops
- Custom recipes
- Use a leash on players and all mobs
- All recipes unlocked
- Bad words are censored
- Turn money into a paper item
- Trade with other players
- Mobs drop money and heads
- Level up your skills
- Server-wide buffs
- Easily sort, drop in, and take from chests
- Server stays online even when mojang is down
- Official minecraft users only
- Hosted in Europe, Germany
- Receive 1000$ in-game currency for reporting bugs & exploits
- Inspect block history
- Share your items, inventory in chat
- Buy and sell everywhere
- No rules, everything is configured into the server itself
- No mob block griefing
- Use lava and water everywhere
- Buy custom head blocks