- 2015-07-26 15:58:52
- googleplus
- Comments - 1
- Servers - 0
- Players - 0

Kabeeb_Armenfish about server : Hello alexander.pomaz! I am a Co-owner of survivalistcraft, the server in which you are questioning, and please allow me to answer said questions. Only an average of 4 people play when the server is up so that means less people to chat with and meet. The reason for this problem is because the server down so frequently, so a lot of players left. Even though not nearly enough people play it and is is not known to about anyone, I do suggest you give the server a chance, as you might find it to be a charming experience, full of tons of plugins to make it a lot better. I'm pretty sure there are not reviews because nobody plays anymore. The server features Survival, Skyblock, Skygrid, and Factions. I hope this helped!