ServerSigns (SVS) is a plugin that lets you add messages, player commands and server commands to configured blocks or signs.
The ServerSigns plugin supports platforms: PC

/svs add <command>
Used to add commands to a ServerSign
For example: /svs add /home will make the player execute the command "/home" when they activate the ServerSign
Putting <server> before the command will get the command to be executed from console.
For example: /svs add <server> /kick <player> You clicked a sign! will kick the player via console
Putting <msg> before the command will send the "<command>" parameter the player as a message (in SVS colours)
For example: /svs add <msg> You have clicked this sign will send the player the message "You have clicked this sign"
Putting <blank> before the command works the same as <msg> but the message will be white with no prefix (and accepts colour codes)
For example: /svs add <blank> &4This; message is in &cred; will send the player the message "This message is in red" with colours
Putting <chat> before the command works like <msg> except the player will chat the message, rather than having it shown to them.
For example: /svs add <chat> This is a message will get the player to chat the message "This is a message"
<player> and <name> will be replaced with the player who clicked the ServerSign's name.
For example: /svs add /msg <player> Hello! will get the execute to message themself "Hello!"
<group> will be replaced with the group of the player (Vault required)
For example: /svs add <server> /say <player> is in the group <group> will get console to execute broadcast the player and their group.
Putting * before a command (instead of the /) will get the player to execute the command as if they have the permission '*'
For example: /svs add *say Hello! will get the player to execute "/say Hello!" even if they don't have permissions for /say normally
Putting [d:#] after "add" but before the <command> parameter will add a # second delay before the command is executed.
Adding 's', 'm', 'h', 'd',' w' or 'mo' after the #number will scale the delay. So [d:5m] would delay for 5 minutes, [d:5h] would delay for 5 hours, and [d:5mo] would delay for 5 months. All player-linked commands are executed when both of these conditions are met: Player is online & Delay has expired.
For example: /svs add [d:5] /spawn will get the player to execute /spawn after 5 seconds.
Putting [p:some.permission] after "add" (or after "[d:#]") will give the executor the "some.permission" node to execute the command (permission removed immediately after)
For example: /svs add [p:essentials.warp.*] /warp island will get the player to issue "/warp island" and gives them the permission "essentials.warp.*" to execute the command.
/svs confirmation <true | false> [message]
Sets whether or not players will have to confirm the sign or not
[message] can be replaced with a custom message to display to users (shown before they confirm, not after)
For example: /svs confirmation true This sign will clear your inventory! will show the player the message "This sign will clear your inventory!" and then ask them to confirm the sign
/svs copy [persist]
Copies a ServerSign so it can be pasted onto another block
Optionally, adding "persist" as an extra argument will allow you to copy a sign and paste it multiple times. Disable with the same command again.
For example: /svs copy persist will enable copy persistance.
/svs edit <line> <new command>
Replaces the specified line with the new command
For example: /svs edit 1 <server> /say New line will change line '1' to '<server> /say New line'
/svs grant <add <permission> | delete>
Players who execute the ServerSign will get all specified permissions for a very short time
[p:<permission>] or *<command> in /svs add is usually perferrable to this.
For example: /svs grant add essentials.warp will give the player executing the ServerSign essentials.warp for a short time
/svs list
Dispalys all information about a ServerSign
/svs priceitem 0 | /svs priceitem hand | /svs priceitem <itemId> <amount> <durability> [name.<string>] [lore.<string>]... [<enchantment>.<level>]...
Works like setprice, except the sign will take items (with specific names / first lores, if provided)
Can require both display name & lore, or just a display name.
Both the name and lore specified can be multiple words with spaces and colours.
For example: /svs priceitem 1 5 will require the player to have '5 stone' to use the ServerSign
For example: /svs priceitem hand will require the player to have the item you are holding to use the ServerSign
For example: /svs priceitem 331 10 0 name.&4Glowing;_Dust lore.&7Sparkle;_Sparkle knockback.2 will require the player to have '10 redstone dust with the display name "Glowing Dust" (in colour code &4), the lore "Sparkle Sparkle" (in colour code &7), and the enchantment "knockback 2"
For example: /svs priceitem 0 will remove all price items from a sign
/svs priceitemcriteria <ignore enchantments?> <ignore lores?> <ignore display name?>
Set the "search criteria" for the price items on a sign. It will always match item id, amount & durability.
For example: /svs pic true false true will mean that when the ServerSign searches an inventory to find matching price items, it will ignore the item's enchantments & display name, but will check item lores.
/svs reloadsigns
Reloads all ServerSigns in the signs folder
/svs remove [line]
Removes all commands from a sign
if [line] parameter exists, will only remove the command line specified
/svs resetallcd
Resets the remaining cooldown on all signs
/svs resetcd
Resets the remaining cooldown on a sign
/svs setcancel <true | false>
Sets whether or not the PlayerInteractEvent should be cancelled when the sign is activated
Default value for signs is false
For example: /svs setcancel false will mean that the event will not be cancelled, so if the ServerSign was a stone button, the button would still be activated and send a redstone signal.
/svs setcooldown <seconds>
Sets the cooldown for the sign per player
For example: /svs setcooldown 120 will mean each player will have to wait 120 seconds between each use of the ServerSign
/svs setglobalcooldown <seconds>
Sets the global cooldown for all players
For example: /svs setglobalcooldown 120 will mean if 1 player uses the ServerSign, all players have to wait 120 seconds before they can use it
/svs setpermission <permission>
Sets the permission required to use the server sign (permission node will be serversigns.use.<permssion>)
Leave <permission> blank to remove a sign's permissions
For example: /svs setpermission user will mean only players with the permission serversigns.use.* or serversigns.use.user will be able to use the sign
/svs setprice <price>
Sets the price for any economy system supported by Vault (required)
For example: /svs setprice 50 will mean players will have to pay 50 to use the sign
/svs xp <levels>
Works like setprice, except the sign will take experience levels
For example: /svs xp 5 will take 5 levels from the player
Discussion ServerSigns
30 minutes ago
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Servers with ServerSigns plugin
|The Mystic Chicken| 1.21.4 Java/Bedrock16+ Survival PVE MCMMO with Discord
- 1.21.4
- 22+4
Minecraft server
- 1.20.1
- 5
TLINKCRAFTW lRankups - Courses - Mazes - Challengesl
- 1.8.8
- 1