The plugin is a kind of "protection" of the property players have a lot of settings and commands, it is worth noting not only completely closed access to the trunk, but also modes of "donations" - in which "master" everything is permitted, and the other players just to put things in the trunk, without opportunities to take its toll. As well as the possibility of adding individual players access to a private blocks, nick.

The LWC plugin supports platforms: PC




/lwc Display a list of basic commands LWC
/cadmin Administration LWC
/cprivate <nick / group> Create privacy protection for the player <nick> or group <group>
/cpublic Create public defense
/cdonation Create a trunk for donations (to take with him only you can)
/cpassword <password> Set password protection <password>
/cunlock <password> Open password protection <password> (If you type the command to press the right mouse button thing, it only opens and password will work. If you press left, the password is deleted.)
/cmodify <nick / -nick> Give the player access to protection <nick> or withdraw access to the player <-nick>
/cinfo View security information
/cremove Remove protection
/climits's restrictions on the protection of
/credstone <on / off> On. / Off. Access to the red dust protection
/cmagnet <on / off> On. / Off. automatic selection of the trunk blocks and objects at a distance 3 blocks
/cdroptransfer <select / on / off> On. / Off. automatic selection of the trunk blocks and objects thrown by you at any distance
/callowexplosions <on / off> On. / Off. possibility of an explosion-protected unit
/cautoclose automatically close the door within 3 seconds after the opening (customizable)
/cpersist Repeat previous command LWC without writing it again
/cnospam Hide posts on the establishment of protection
/cremoveall Delete all your protection

Discussion LWC

  • 30 minutes ago
    Minecraft StatisticThis is plugin LWC page. You can ask questions here and our community will try to help you!





LWC versions

2.4.0 9
2.3.0 2
2.2.7 1
5.0.16 1
2.2.8 1
