API statistics description
- 11.12.2017
With our API you can get data about a server or player in JSON format for your plugins, applications or site.
Request GET, POST
SERVER_IP - ip address SERVER_PORT - port Example: https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/server/add/?ip=
Response JSON
[false,"IP address is entered not correctly or is local network"]
[0] - true - server added, false - error when adding [1] - server ID or error description
Request GET
The last parameter can be one of three types: ID - unique server identifier IP_PORT - ip address and server port through the lower space URI - unique server address Example query to a single server with different parameters: https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/server/info/ https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/server/info/51 https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/server/info/supersky
Response JSON
/*(int) id server monitoring*/
"_id": 51,
/*(string) unique address of the server in our monitoring (if there is not empty, server administrator can change the ip address of the server and port)*/
"uri": "supersky",
/*(object) charts players online for 24 hours, with an interval of 10 minutes*/
"chart": {
/*(string) time in the format HH: ii and the number of players online (int)*/
"00:00": 13,
/* . . . */
"23:50": 13
/*(object) server counters*/
"counter": {
/*(int) number of comments (reviews)*/
"cmts": 4,
/*(int) likes - number of people who add servers to favorites*/
"favorite": 4,
/*(int) Counter offline, the number of times the server has been offline since the addition of*/
"offline": 16077,
/*(int) counter online, how many times the server has been online since the addition of*/
"online": 74564,
/*(object) total number of players who have played on the server after adding*/
"players": {
/*(string) date in the format YYYY-mm-dd, when things count players (counter counts once a day and always displays the data on the last day)*/
"date": "2015-06-23",
/*(int) number of players who have played on the server*/
"total": 27482
/*(int) amount of added screenshots*/
"screenshot": 6
/*(int) Date of adding a server to monitor, in a format Unix Timestamp*/
"date_add": 1379283352,
/*(string) server domain, adding the IP address is converted into*/
"domain": "mc.supersky.org.ua",
/*(string) link to download the launcher is displayed on the page of the server*/
"download_url": "",
/*(object) geodata server*/
"geo": {
/*(string) server city*/
"city": "Sevastopol",
/*(string) Country server in the format of ISO 3166 A2*/
"country": "UA",
/*(string) server country*/
"country_name": "\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0438\u043d\u0430"
/*(object) general information about the server*/
"info": {
/*(string) name server is updated in the survey (in the server settings is a variable motd)*/
"name": "SuperSky Survival 1.7.x-1.8.x",
/*(string) game type*/
"type": "SMP",
/*(string) server platform, the possible values "MINECRAFT" or "MINECRAFTPE"*/
"platform": "MINECRAFT",
/*(string) server version*/
"version": "1.8",
/*(array) List plugins that are installed on the server*/
"plugins": ["WorldEdit 6.0.2-SNAPSHOT,3347-fe6717a0", " HealthBar 1.8.2", " PvPTime 0.1.22", " Essentials TeamCity", " LogBlock 1.81", " ClearLag 2.7.7", " AutoMessage 2.5.2", " FullBright 1.1", " MonsterFix 0.4.3", " ProtocolLib 3.6.3-SNAPSHOT", " WorldGuard 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT.1550-", " NoCheatPlus 3.12.1-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b823", " SkinsRestorer 9.3", " HeadDrops 2.0", " PermissionsEx 1.23.3", " RandomPort 2.0", " ColoredTablist 1.1.0", " Vault 1.5.0-b28", " HideStream 3.7", " ProtocolSupport 4.13", " EssentialsSpawn TeamCity", " SalvageSmelter 0.1.8", " CustomEnchantments 2.2a", " Autorank 3.5.1-Dev-382", " AuthMe 3.4", " ScoreboardStats 0.9.1", " GlobalMarket 1.2.2", " ChatEx 1.2", " ChatGuard 6.3"],
/*(int) number of players online*/
"players": 16,
/*(int) maximum number of players (slots)*/
"max_players": 30,
/*(array) list of players online*/
"players_list": ["Shamandra", "vlad_3881", "ATmega8", "Koshmarik", "Gohjay", "vipit", "msx9086", "Creeper1903", "__Pig131__", "baklajan", "marines", "uaruk", "dasides", "thelinx", "KORVELION", "saf_alex_100"],
/*(string) server map*/
"map": "world",
/*(string) server software*/
"software": "CraftBukkit on Bukkit 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT",
/*(float) average number of players during the 24 hours*/
"avg_player_day": 14.83,
/*(float) average load on the server for 24 hours*/
"avg_load_day": 49.42
/*(string) ip address of the server (v4)*/
"ip": "",
/*(object) date of the last online / offline*/
"last": {
/*(int) last date in an offline format Unix Timestamp*/
"offline": 1434915770,
/*(int) date of the latest online format Unix Timestamp*/
"online": 1435056332
/*(int) updating date data in a format Unix Timestamp*/
"last_update": 1435056332,
/*(string) link to the map server (url to a page with otrenderinoy card) is displayed in the server shortcut*/
"map_url": "",
/*(object) server records*/
"max_stat": {
/*(object) maximum online*/
"max_online": {
/*(int) date maximum online format Unix Timestamp, if the record is repeated (the same value), or a new record, the date updated*/
"date": 1434882170,
/*(int) number of players online*/
"players": 30
/*(int) server port*/
"port": 25565,
/*(object) rating data*/
"rating": {
/*(float) Factor content as percent of the counted rating receive an additional server, for that added description, screenshots, etc.*/
"K": 12.23,
/*(float) Bonus content (see the formula calculating rating)*/
"content_up": 0.77,
/*(float) the difference with the previous rating value (how much change in 10 minutes)*/
"difference": 0.73,
/*(float) current rating of the server*/
"main": 7.73
/*(int) status survey 1 - monitoring is enabled, 0 - monitoring off (disconnected from the server monitor automatically when it is below 5% uptime)*/
"scan": 1,
/*(int) server status 1 - online, 0 - offline*/
"status": 1,
/*(string) Server uptime percentage (the ratio of the number of interviews to an offline)*/
"uptime": "82.26",
/*(string) or (array) reference list server administrator accrue from the control panel and displayed on the page server*/
"url": [],
/*(string) Reply API "ok" - the server exists and all is well*/
"status_query": "ok"
Request GET
SERVER_ID - Server ID PERIOD - period for which you want to get the rating of players, three options are available: all - rating of players for all time today - rating of players for today yesterday - rating of players for yesterday PAGE - rating page Example: https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/server/top/51/all/1 - top players for all time on the server with ID=51 https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/server/top/51/today/1 - top players for today on the server with ID=51 https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/server/top/51/yesterday/1 - top players for yesterday on the server with ID=51
Response JSON
/*(string) ok response status or error status*/
"status_query": "ok",
/*(int) server id*/
"server_id": 51,
/*(int) page number*/
"page": 1,
/*(array) rating data*/
"data": [{
/*(string) player's nickname*/
"nickname": "Alejandro",
/*(int) place in the ranking*/
"place": 1,
/*(int) time online, in minutes*/
"time": 91290,
/*(int) the time of the last server visit*/
"last_visit": 1511113315
}, {
"nickname": "zeikyn",
"place": 2,
"time": 78550,
"last_visit": 1506805303
}, {
"nickname": "pokeshmon",
"place": 3,
"time": 75950,
"last_visit": 1478622539
}, {
"nickname": "BOYARIN",
"place": 4,
"time": 62760,
"last_visit": 1501956577
}, {
"nickname": "NikZ",
"place": 5,
"time": 62690,
"last_visit": 1506886904
}, {
"nickname": "thelinx",
"place": 6,
"time": 60730,
"last_visit": 1510314159
}, {
"nickname": "Mexoc",
"place": 7,
"time": 58180,
"last_visit": 1512924339
}, {
"nickname": "keco185",
"place": 8,
"time": 58120,
"last_visit": 1504279213
}, {
"nickname": "Bobillho",
"place": 9,
"time": 57280,
"last_visit": 1502314183
}, {
"nickname": "karnaj",
"place": 10,
"time": 55700,
"last_visit": 1506850904
}, {
"nickname": "Kosatka",
"place": 11,
"time": 54010,
"last_visit": 1511707572
}, {
"nickname": "nikolskiy24",
"place": 12,
"time": 52390,
"last_visit": 1509547946
}, {
"nickname": "Faer_Killer",
"place": 13,
"time": 49660,
"last_visit": 1509394343
}, {
"nickname": "A_n_t_o_n",
"place": 14,
"time": 47340,
"last_visit": 1512903339
}, {
"nickname": "Epik",
"place": 15,
"time": 47310,
"last_visit": 1506763902
}, {
"nickname": "pavel555",
"place": 16,
"time": 47280,
"last_visit": 1490586905
}, {
"nickname": "ottoblotto",
"place": 17,
"time": 45270,
"last_visit": 1465206230
}, {
"nickname": "None",
"place": 18,
"time": 44200,
"last_visit": 1511715973
}, {
"nickname": "mix55",
"place": 19,
"time": 43560,
"last_visit": 1499848744
}, {
"nickname": "opa225",
"place": 20,
"time": 43010,
"last_visit": 1479235151
}, {
"nickname": "Vovanchik",
"place": 21,
"time": 41170,
"last_visit": 1512726935
}, {
"nickname": "ender007HD",
"place": 22,
"time": 40960,
"last_visit": 1510997572
}, {
"nickname": "akkaunt",
"place": 23,
"time": 39780,
"last_visit": 1502355584
}, {
"nickname": "OXOTHIK_UA",
"place": 24,
"time": 39190,
"last_visit": 1512902139
}, {
"nickname": "lololowhka21",
"place": 25,
"time": 39050,
"last_visit": 1497876515
}, {
"nickname": "Giperfox",
"place": 26,
"time": 38010,
"last_visit": 1506462062
}, {
"nickname": "uikk",
"place": 27,
"time": 36900,
"last_visit": 1509709948
}, {
"nickname": "mad78",
"place": 28,
"time": 36850,
"last_visit": 1498768128
}, {
"nickname": "Right",
"place": 29,
"time": 36840,
"last_visit": 1511638571
}, {
"nickname": "lololowhka",
"place": 30,
"time": 36390,
"last_visit": 1478455133
Request GET
PLAYER_NAME - player nickname (required) SERVER_ID - Server ID (optional, specify if you want to get player statistics on this server) Example: https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/player/info/djoice - statistics for the player djoice https://minecraft-statistic.net/api/player/info/djoice/51 - Player stats djoice on the server with ID=51
Response JSON
/*(string) the response status is ok or error (if error, then instead of the data field there is a msg field with a description of the error)*/
"status": "ok",
/*(object) data*/
"data": {
/*(int) the time of the last online in Unixtime format*/
"last_play": 1435936128,
/*(int) the account is licensed or not (it still does not work exactly, it is not recommended to use it for checking something)*/
"license": 1,
/*(int) player status 1 - online, 0 - offline*/
"online": 0,
/*(int) total time online, in minutes*/
"total_time_play": 15625,
/*(string) player's nickname*/
"name": "djoice",
/*(string) UUID of the player in the Mojang system*/
"uuid": "146db9a0bb494f24abed5749be50be29"
"status": "ok",
"data": {
"last_play": 1435936128,
"license": 1,
"online": 0,
/*(int) total time online on the server with ID=51, in minutes*/
"total_time_play": 3920,
"name": "djoice",
"uuid": "146db9a0bb494f24abed5749be50be29"