2.9 :)
Status: | offline |
IP-Adresse und Port: | goldenstaircase.skynode.gg:25567 (Klicken Sie, um zu kopieren) |
Spieler: | 0/20
Version: | 1.12.2 1.17.1 1.17 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3 1.16.2 1.16.1 1.16 1.15.2 1.15.1 1.15 1.14.4 1.14.3 1.14.2 1.14.1 1.14 |
Land: |
![]() |
Servertyp: | PC Edition |
Spielmodus: | FML |
Karte: | world |
Aktualisiert: | Von der Überwachung ausgeschlossen ON |
Erster Start: | |
Zuletzt online: | |
Zuletzt offline: | |
Serversoftware: | 1.12.2 |
IP: GoldenStaircase.skynode.gg
Versions Supported: 1.17.X, 1.16.X, 1.15.X, 1.14.X, and older.
Escape from your typical popular minigame server and experience vanilla survival! We hold a strong emphasis on players forming clans and overcoming hurdles together. Did I mention no world resets? There's no such thing as monthly resets! We do occasionally host events with the ability to win special prizes. Form a clan, take on opposing clans, create alliances and rule the server all in a vanilla survival environment!
Regeln#1. No large redstone devices or lag machines.
Versions Supported: 1.17.X, 1.16.X, 1.15.X, 1.14.X, and older.
Escape from your typical popular minigame server and experience vanilla survival! We hold a strong emphasis on players forming clans and overcoming hurdles together. Did I mention no world resets? There's no such thing as monthly resets! We do occasionally host events with the ability to win special prizes. Form a clan, take on opposing clans, create alliances and rule the server all in a vanilla survival environment!
#survival #vanilla #pvp #clans

Regeln#1. No large redstone devices or lag machines.
1a. If you're planning on creating a large device, contact staff for approval
1b. The server has the ability to quickly detect, stop, and report lag machines.
#2. No lava-casting or TNTing random areas
2a. Lavacasting or blowing up a random mountain or landform "just because" isn't allowed.
2b. Lava-casting with a few buckets (no more than 6) during a grief is allowed. Nothing excessive.
2c. Same goes for TNT. A few TNT (no more than 6) used when griefing is allowed. Nothing excessive.
#3. Spamming is not allowed
3a. Sending more than 3 messages per second is considered spamming.
#4. Cheating is not allowed
4a. You are ruining the experience for others to gain an upper hand or for your own enjoyment. Don't.
#5. Exploiting & Duping is not allowed
5a. Exploiting minecraft's bugs including duping isn't allowed.
#6. Griefing is allowed
6a. HOWEVER, there must be a valid reason to do so. "idk i felt like it, i didn't like the 1ook of 1t" is unacceptable. Yes the structure will be rolled back including the loot lost. Yes the griefer will be punished.
6b. If it's between clans, one clan must formally declare war on the other before the grief takes place. Everyone should know of the declaration.
#7. Stealing is allowed
7a. HOWEVER, the thief (thieves) will be known to the victim if he requests to know. No other information will be provided.
7b. Thieves aren't allowed to break anything in a base. If they do it will be considered griefing and will be punishable depending on severity.
#8. Scamming is allowed
8a. HOWEVER, it is not encouraged at all.
8b. Scamming for irl currency is not allowed.
#9. No racial or sexual content
9a. Being racist is not allowed.
9b. Being sexual or typing sexual content is not allowed.
#10. No trapping players over a day (24hrs)
10a. You should be open to accept ransoms.
10b. No unrealistic ransoms. (i'll let you out for 20,000 netherite ingots)
#11. Do not make large mob XP farms without approval
11a. Large mob farms have little chance to cause any problems in the server.
#12. No advertising unrelated things to the server
12a. "subscribe to my cooking channel," "JOIN THIS SERVER, IT'S BETTER," "buying minecraft accounts 70$ ea, hmu"
12b. Advertising clans, commerce, and in-game services is allowed.
#13. No collecting player information or doxxing. This includes blackmail as well
13a. Attempts of doing so will result in a permanent IP-ban. This is a game we escape to and play with friends on.
#14. Killing players is allowed
14a. No restrictions
14z. Killing an admin will lead to a server-wide crusade to find where you in your dirt house is.Wie verbinde ich mich und spiele auf diesem Server?
- Sie müssen das Spiel installiert haben, Version 1.12.2.
Wie kann ich das überprüfen? Wenn Sie den Launcher starten, wird die Version des Spiels rechts unten angezeigt. Wenn es sich um eine andere Version handelt, sollten Sie das aktuelle Profil (links unten) ändern und Version 1.12.2 auswählen
- Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche PLAY, warten Sie, bis das Minecraft-Spiel geladen wird.
- Wähle: Multiplayer
- Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Direkte Verbindung" oder, wenn Sie den Server in Ihrer Liste speichern möchten, klicken Sie auf "Server hinzufügen"
- Im Feld "Serveradresse" schreiben Sie: goldenstaircase.skynode.gg:25567 (Klicken Sie, um zu kopieren)
Wie kann ich das überprüfen? Wenn Sie den Launcher starten, wird die Version des Spiels rechts unten angezeigt. Wenn es sich um eine andere Version handelt, sollten Sie das aktuelle Profil (links unten) ändern und Version 1.12.2 auswählen
Plugins (149)
- minecraft
- mcp
- forge
- creativecoredummy
- itemphysic
- ivtoolkit
- foamfixcore
- tnt_utilities_core
- forgeendertech
- adhooks
- advanced-fishing
- aireducer
- alcatrazcore
- antiqueatlas
- anvilpatch
- aquaculture
- carrots
- armorunder
- astikorcarts
- crafttweaker
- mtlib
- modtweaker
- jei
- quark
- autoreglib
- bacodifficulty
- base
- battletowers
- baubles
- bedbreakbegone
- mujmajnkraftsbettersurvival
- bettercaves
- bettercombatmod
- bettermineshafts
- betternether
- betterquesting
- forgelin
- librarianlib
- classyhats
- levelup2
- lycanitesmobs
- bettertabs
- bloodmoon
- bnbgaminglib
- bountifulbaubles
- bountiful
- reccomplex
- bq_msi
- bqtweaker
- callablehorses
- carryon
- charm
- collisiondamage
- comforts
- reskillable
- compatskills
- contenttweaker
- coralreef
- wearablebackpacks
- corpsecomplex
- craftablechainmail
- craftablehorsearmour
- crafttweakerjei
- creativecore
- defiledlands
- disenchanter
- dldungeonsjbg
- sereneseasons
- orelib
- dsurround
- dynamictrees
- dynamictreesdefiledlands
- traverse
- dttraverse
- elenaidodge
- enhancedvisuals
- familiarfauna
- fantasticlib
- firstaid
- fishingmadebetter
- foamfix
- foodexpansion
- tschipplib
- forgottenitems
- friendlyendermite
- fxcontrol
- globalgamerules
- grapplemod
- llibrary
- iceandfire
- ichunutil
- incontrol
- infernalmobs
- mantle
- inspirations
- inventorytweaks
- iseedragons
- itlt
- locks
- loottweaker
- lostcities
- mcwbridges
- testdummy
- mobends
- multimine
- notreepunching
- pigstep
- placebo
- playerbosses
- potioncore
- potionfingers
- qualitytools
- realistictorches
- reborncore
- rltweaker
- roguelike
- roughtweaks
- ruins
- rustic
- silentlib
- scalinghealth
- setbonus
- shieldbreak
- simpledifficulty
- sit
- snowrealmagic
- somanyenchantments
- spartanweaponry
- spartanfire
- spartanshields
- spawnercontrol
- srparasites
- bq_standard
- switchbow
- tickprofiler
- tnt_utilities
- toolbelt
- xat
- trumpetskeleton
- tumbleweed
- variedcommodities
- waystones
- wolfarmor
- xpfromharvest
- xpbook
- yungslaw
- phosphor-lighting
- librarianliblate
30 minuten vor
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- 62+1
≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ << SemiSurvivalCraft >> ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ ❇❇❇❇ Semi Vanilla Survival Minecraft ❇❇❇❇
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- jogar.endercraft.com.br
- 1.21.5
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-=[MineBuilders]=- -=[1.7/1.8]=- -=[Wiping in: NOW]=-
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