NO MAP RESETS Survival / 1.12 - 1.21 / Since 2020Do /map in-game for the Dynmap! /discord

Status: online
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Spieler: 5/100
Version: 1.21.4
Land: US USA
Servertyp: PC Edition
Spielmodus: SMP
Karte: world
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Serversoftware: Paper 1.21.4
=======SMP 1.20.X=======
  *Small Notice: We are now Whitelisted, so be sure to join our Discord to get invited!!!*
This is a Free-build survival world. Its just regular survival without the worry of ones builds and hard work being tampered with. We are a heavily builder oriented server, so there is many quality of life plugins such as veinminer and Homes. The servers community is also another selling point of this server as it is a wide variety of people you are welcome to join! Staff is always willing to help players when they are asked. We do not hire players with short temper or not so caring attitude.
We are a Building server. There are player who like to PvP, but that's your choice! If you have any questions regarding the server and the community, You may ask anyone with a blue name Moderators or a red name Admins! Take your time exploring the server and seeing the massive amount of builds from these past years of over 1000 people joining!
Started on September 2nd 2020, This server has amassed 1000 unique Players and over 100+ Builds within the first 1000 blocks of spawn! What started out as a server for the owner and his group of friends has grown enormously from the servers initial release. We made it our goal to keep the server running as long as possible and keep the world expanding with player made builds as Vanilla as possible.

+ You can build at spawn! but if you prefer to go far away you can use the /rtp command! +

+ Staff is Here to help you! Feel free to ask them to help you and they will be more than happy to. +

[We are still a small survival server! if you join and nobody is on, Just go build a house and you will eventually catch us! :D]

For Future Announcements, Events, and More; Be sure so visit out Discord!

#smp #semi-survival #whitelisted


- No Greifing!
- No Hacking or Cheating!
- Don't be Toxic!
- No Ghost Pinging!
- No Gore/Porn!
- No Genuine Hate Speech/Disturbing Topics!
- Don't argue with Staff!
- Any harm towards the server or its players!

[If you abuse a rank in-game to cause chaos or ruin other players experience, a admin has every right to revoke your rank without refund of dragon eggs.]
[Being in the discord is a privilege and you can be banned for any reason.][If a mod/admin enforces a temporary no cursing rule due to a younger player request, and you get muted and ty to bypass it with the discord relay, you will be banned]
[If you feel mistreated by staff or unfairly punished, DM @Head Administrator , @Back-up Head Administrator , or @Owner .][If your build is removed from spawn it was NOT deleted, it was moved outside of the immediate spawn area, contact @Admin if you want it at your base or discuss putting it back.]
[You will be given a reason for being banned if asked, only during appeal process though.]

Wie verbinde ich mich und spiele auf diesem Server?

  1. Sie müssen das Spiel installiert haben, Version 1.21.4.
    Wie kann ich das überprüfen? Wenn Sie den Launcher starten, wird die Version des Spiels rechts unten angezeigt. Wenn es sich um eine andere Version handelt, sollten Sie das aktuelle Profil (links unten) ändern und Version 1.21.4 auswählen
  2. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche PLAY, warten Sie, bis das Minecraft-Spiel geladen wird.
  3. Wähle: Multiplayer
  4. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Direkte Verbindung" oder, wenn Sie den Server in Ihrer Liste speichern möchten, klicken Sie auf "Server hinzufügen"
  5. Im Feld "Serveradresse" schreiben Sie: (Klicken Sie, um zu kopieren)












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