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2021-02-20 16:20:49
Kommentare - 0
Server - 2
Spieler - 2
Über mich
MC: BunnyNabbit
I moderate servers at times, but the server that I used to moderate has gotten shutdown. I generally would like to look over servers using plugins like CoreProtect which I can spot signs of griefing or x-raying.
I put some amount of effort to my ban notes, which importantly include videos or logging data. A directory of these ban proofs can be seen below. https://bunnynabbit.com/proofs/
Über michMC: BunnyNabbit
I moderate servers at times, but the server that I used to moderate has gotten shutdown. I generally would like to look over servers using plugins like CoreProtect which I can spot signs of griefing or x-raying.
I put some amount of effort to my ban notes, which importantly include videos or logging data. A directory of these ban proofs can be seen below.