

  • 2017-05-28 16:36:07
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  • Kommentare - 6
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  • Spieler - 3
  • JamesCurkan über spieler Kjoo_ My twitter is https://twitter.com/JamesCurkan if you have any questions!
  • JamesCurkan über spieler KiingJames My twitter is https://twitter.com/JamesCurkan if you have any questions!
  • JamesCurkan über spieler Jamescurkan My twitter is https://twitter.com/JamesCurkan if you have any questions!
  • JamesCurkan über spieler Kjoo_ Hello there I am Kjoo_,but my other accounts are KiingJames and Jamescurkan. I am the owner of this account if you have any questions just tell me them,and I will answer them all!
  • JamesCurkan über spieler KiingJames Hello I am KiingJames,but I'm also Kjoo_ and Jamescurkan although I have no longer access to the Jamescurkan account it is still mine. If you have any questions about me just ask away I will answer them all!
  • JamesCurkan über spieler Jamescurkan I am Jamescurkan,but I no longer have access to this account because of private reasons. Now the accounts I play on are Kjoo_ and my new main account KiingJames. I just wish I could have access to my account again. No one really owns the account now because I don't have access to it,but if you have any questions please ask away!
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