

  • 2016-07-11 11:59:55
  • google
  • se Sweden
  • Kommentare - 4
  • Server - 0
  • Spieler - 1
  • xXThaProXx über spieler xXThaProXx Im playing right now like wtf is this
  • xXThaProXx über spieler Fit #TeamVeterans #KillRusher
  • xXThaProXx über server : XxtankerpvpxX if you are reading this then you are just a asshole because you banned me for making 3 giveaway bases and you banned for for that you are just a little retard that does not know how to handle a server and you will pay for this, paybacks are a bitch remember that PAYBACKS ARE A BITCH!!! - xXThaProXx
  • xXThaProXx über spieler XxtankerpvpxX XxtankerpvpxX if you are reading this then you are just a asshole because you banned me for making 3 giveaway bases and you banned for for that you are just a little retard that does not know how to handle a server and you will pay for this, paybacks are a bitch remember that PAYBACKS ARE A BITCH!!! - xXThaProXx
  • 4810

