

  • 2016-03-10 20:06:33
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  • si Slovenia
  • Kommentare - 2
  • Server - 0
  • Spieler - 1
  • Ellerion über spieler DanTDM Dan, great job on those wings in the Diamond Dimensions but you could make them better by enchanting them with longer flight and aerial swiftness ( both can be enchanted up to level 8 ).
  • Ellerion über spieler Ellerion Not many played with me on multiplayer servers since i've only ever done any longer playing on a slovenian server that has since then been shut down; I did try joining a few servers but i don't have any of them logged into the minecraft version i now use and i'm mainly playing offline for the reason of making the maps my two children play on after i set them up.
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