Moshy Moshy Jesus Desu

Moshy Moshy Jesus Desu

  • 2016-02-25 20:43:23
  • steam
  • gb England
  • Kommentare - 1
  • Server - 0
  • Spieler - 0
  • Moshy Moshy Jesus Desu über spieler BARSUS Hello everyone, Uthly here. I'm afraid whoever Barsus is, they aren't me. They hacked my account sometime in January, changed my username and login details. I've since reclaimed my account, though it's a few more days until I can change my username. Stumbled across this while looking for some details on Barsus, curious as to waht he'd been up to on my account. I'm afraid he won't be visiting any of his usual servers anymore, at least not with my account.
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