

  • 2015-09-15 09:34:36
  • Google
  • Kommentare - 5
  • Server - 1
  • Spieler - 0
  • selltheworld über spieler _Cancer_ This person uses the player name _Cancer_, he uses a skin of Osama Bin Laden and have previously been known as X__Hitler__X. Do the math. Probably NOT a serious player.
  • selltheworld über spieler Elulu Joined my server and spewed nothing but nonsense. Pretty sure this is the weirdest of kids. Don't expect to get a real player out of this one.
  • selltheworld über spieler _Rollergirl2000_ This is one of the most helpful players I know.
  • selltheworld über spieler SuperDoops SuperDoops is only 5 years old. Her big sister supervises but if she isn't there and doops accidentally does something wrong please don't blame her. She can't read yet. She is not trying to be a griefer. Just contact her sister and all will be well. :)
  • selltheworld über server : This is a server for mature players. It's a survival server with only a few mods to make your life easier but you can toggle them on/off if you don't like them. We have grief prevention so that you can protect your stuff from griefers. All players are equal so there is no pesky mods who tell you what you can and can't do. The community only has a few players but they are friendly as long as you aren't acting like a kid. NO rainbow chat. NO stupid announcements.
  • 6032

