
The plugin has a built-in add-ons - ModifyWorld - Allows you to specify which player is allowed to destroy blocks / set and which are not. ChatManager - serves as a distributor between the local and global chat, also allows you to decorate Chat - color nick-Neumann and text just add different suffixes and prefixes.

Das PermissionsEx-Plugin unterstützt die folgenden Plattformen: PC




To configure the plugin, it is recommended to visit the wiki plugin, here are some commands that are used in the game:
/pex users - Displays a list of all recorded users.
/pex user <user> [world] - Indicates the right player <user>
/pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Set the player to <user> prefix [newprefix]
/pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Set the player to <user> suffix [newsuffix]
/pex user <user> delete - Delete Player <user> from the backend used at the moment.
/pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Give the right <permission> player <user>
/pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Pick the right <permission> Player <user>
/pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] Post a temporary right <permission> player <user> for a while [lifetime] (in sec.)
/pex user <user> timed remove - Pick a player <user> temporary right
/pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - set the option <option> to the value <value>. Set it to "" (two double parentheses) if you want to remove the option <option>

Diskussion PermissionsEx

  • 25.06.2017 02:12
    StormbowIf you have any issues with PEX, post them at the PEX Ticket Page:

    I handle almost all of the permissions.yml issues there and the programmer/author (zml) handles programming and other technical issues about java, SQL, and PEX 2 (which is still in development).





PermissionsEx versionen

1.23.4 7
1.21.3 2
1.23.5 2
