Medieval Minecraft [FORGE] 1.18.2
Статус: | оффлайн |
IP адреса та порт: | (натисніть, щоб скопіювати) |
Гравці: | 0/60
Версія: | 1.18.2 |
Країна: |
![]() |
Тип сервера: | PC Edition |
Тип гри: | SMP |
Мапа: | world |
Оновлено: | Виключений з моніторингу ON |
Доданий: | |
Ост. онлайн: | |
Ост. оффлайн: | |
ПЗ сервера: | Paper 1.18.2 |
Welcome to Valhalla! an FTB Revelations survival with Anti-Grief Claims. Come join a community of players that enjoy playing modded minecraft as much as you!
Our Comunity, and out player's well being is our Top priotity, we always work our best to protect our players and resolve isues as fast as humanly posible to provide a safe and enjoyable experiance for every player joining and playing on the server.
Featuring, GUI Plugins for an smoother and easier experiance ingame,
You wanna go shopping? We got you! custom villager shopkeepers in the spawn area waiting to trade with you!
And no, we made sure they wont give you the disapointing emerald trades they normaly use to lowball you!
At Valhalla we have more then just 1 option for interacting with your fellow modders! want to sell something?
use our ingame trading option for a smooth and safe transaction!
More of an open market trader? we also got you! Start your own action and watch people out bid each other to get thiere hands on your item for sale!
Voteing will give u more then just an simple reward! why not add in a vote key for the vote chests! The more options the beter!
Ever running into something or missing something?
Dont hassetate to ask our friendly staff! Any feedback or ideas are greatly appriciated! and maybe even rewarded! :D
Kind Regards,
Valhalla Network, Staff, And every player coming by.
Server Includes
-The ability to rollback players, chunks, claims, inventories, worlds, incase of problems
-Vote party's
-Anti Grief
-chill Staff
-Vote Reward Crates
-Free Unlimited Lava And Water
-End Portal at Spawn
-Villager Shops
-Banned Items
-Random Teleport
-Chunk loaders
Our Comunity, and out player's well being is our Top priotity, we always work our best to protect our players and resolve isues as fast as humanly posible to provide a safe and enjoyable experiance for every player joining and playing on the server.
Featuring, GUI Plugins for an smoother and easier experiance ingame,
You wanna go shopping? We got you! custom villager shopkeepers in the spawn area waiting to trade with you!
And no, we made sure they wont give you the disapointing emerald trades they normaly use to lowball you!
At Valhalla we have more then just 1 option for interacting with your fellow modders! want to sell something?
use our ingame trading option for a smooth and safe transaction!
More of an open market trader? we also got you! Start your own action and watch people out bid each other to get thiere hands on your item for sale!
Voteing will give u more then just an simple reward! why not add in a vote key for the vote chests! The more options the beter!
Ever running into something or missing something?
Dont hassetate to ask our friendly staff! Any feedback or ideas are greatly appriciated! and maybe even rewarded! :D
Kind Regards,
Valhalla Network, Staff, And every player coming by.
Server Includes
-The ability to rollback players, chunks, claims, inventories, worlds, incase of problems
-Vote party's
-Anti Grief
-chill Staff
-Vote Reward Crates
-Free Unlimited Lava And Water
-End Portal at Spawn
-Villager Shops
-Banned Items
-Random Teleport
-Chunk loaders
#modded #ftb #plugins #griefprevention #bukkit #forge
Як підключитися і грати на цьому сервері?
- У вас повинна бути встановлена гра версії 1.18.2.
Як це перевірити? При старті лаунчера, версія гри буде відображена праворуч, знизу. Якщо вона іншої версії, вам слід змінити поточний профіль (зліва, знизу) і вибрати версію 1.18.2 - Натисніть кнопку ГРАТИ, зачекайте завантаження Minecraft.
- Виберіть: Гра у мережі
- Натисніть кнопку "Пряме підключення", або якщо хочете зберегти сервер у своєму списку, натискаєте кнопку "Додати сервер"
- У поле "Адреса сервера" напишіть: (натисніть, щоб скопіювати)
30 хвилин тому
Minecraft StatisticЛаскаво просимо на сторінку сервера! До цього сервера ще немає коментарів, але ви можете це виправити! Напишіть відгук про сервер! Чи сподобалося вам грати на ньому? Що цікавого є на сервері? Які проблеми у вас виникають, коли ви граєте на сервері? Пишіть про свої пригоди, івенти, споруди, і не забувайте додавати скріншоти. Напишіть все, що вважаєте за потрібне, спільнота гравців хоче знати більше!
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