[🏹]APEX HUNGER GAMES[🏹]Are you ready?, Let the games begin!
Статус: | оффлайн |
IP адреса та порт: | mc.thecoalitionofgamers.org:25720 (натисніть, щоб скопіювати) |
Гравці: | 0/42
Версія: | 1.18.1 1.18.1 1.18 |
Країна: |
![]() |
Тип сервера: | PC Edition |
Тип гри: | SMP |
Мапа: | world |
Оновлено: | Виключений з моніторингу ON |
Доданий: | |
Ост. онлайн: | |
Ост. оффлайн: | |
ПЗ сервера: | Paper 1.18.1 |
Welcome to the SMP!
The SMP Without A Cool Acronym is The Coalition of Gamer's latest offering to help people find an alternative to enjoy. Based on the principles of Justice and Equality, every member of the SMP gets a say in how it's run and the decisions we make, through the extensive use of votes.
With higher quality plugins that focus on what we need, and lower restrictions on the things you love, we hope it'll be your new favorite SMP!ПравилаPlease note: Ignorance is no excuse. If you're playing on the server, you agree that you have read and agreed to these rules.
The SMP Without A Cool Acronym is The Coalition of Gamer's latest offering to help people find an alternative to enjoy. Based on the principles of Justice and Equality, every member of the SMP gets a say in how it's run and the decisions we make, through the extensive use of votes.
With higher quality plugins that focus on what we need, and lower restrictions on the things you love, we hope it'll be your new favorite SMP!
#smp #survial #factions #paper #pve #pvesurvival
ПравилаPlease note: Ignorance is no excuse. If you're playing on the server, you agree that you have read and agreed to these rules.
Server Rules:
Please note: Ignorance is no excuse. If you're playing on the server, you agree that you have read and agreed to these rules.
Server Rules:
1. Remain civil at all times and keep drama to a minimum. Respect all members, in particular, the staff
2. Spam of all kinds (emoji, ping, and chats) are not allowed except in designated spamming channels or when permitted.
3. Stick to channel guidelines
4. Malicious links (or suspected malicious links) will get you banned.
5. Do not ping the staff team for baseless reasons
6. Don't take the role of a moderator into your own hands
7. Leaking personal information of members is strictly forbidden
8. Staff have final say over moderation actions. If it is not explicitly stated in the rules, but a mod tells you to stop or issues a warning, it means you should stop.
9. Respect property and people's items (Including but not limited to, stealing, griefing, and anything the property owner does not approve of)
10. No lag machines or machines designed to make it impossible for a member of the server to play (unless permitted on a case-by-case basis)
11. XP Farms should be attended to at a regular basis for lag reasons.
12. Hacks (unfair clients or texture packs) are forbidden unless permitted on a case-by-case basis
13. Do not dupe items (Entity dupers are fine)
14. Put reasonable effort into builds, or you could always move far from the main spawn area.
15. No excessive killing. (i.e. two times in a row to get revenge for your wheat plant) Alongside this, do not kill new members until they have spent a reasonable amount of time on the server (e.g. 15 minutes or so) and do NOT kill AFK players (I.e. at mob spawners, idling in their house, etc.)
16. No advertising external links or services (i.e. other discord servers), as that has no place here. You may, however advertise streams in 🎥streaming-announcements, factions, or other server related groups in their appropriate channels. If you get permission from an Admin+, you may also advertise an external service.
17. Do NOT lawyer the rules. (i.e. nitpick at small discrepancies even when the mod team informs you otherwise)
Як підключитися і грати на цьому сервері?
- У вас повинна бути встановлена гра версії 1.18.1.
Як це перевірити? При старті лаунчера, версія гри буде відображена праворуч, знизу. Якщо вона іншої версії, вам слід змінити поточний профіль (зліва, знизу) і вибрати версію 1.18.1
- Натисніть кнопку ГРАТИ, зачекайте завантаження Minecraft.
- Виберіть: Гра у мережі
- Натисніть кнопку "Пряме підключення", або якщо хочете зберегти сервер у своєму списку, натискаєте кнопку "Додати сервер"
- У поле "Адреса сервера" напишіть: mc.thecoalitionofgamers.org:25720 (натисніть, щоб скопіювати)
Як це перевірити? При старті лаунчера, версія гри буде відображена праворуч, знизу. Якщо вона іншої версії, вам слід змінити поточний профіль (зліва, знизу) і вибрати версію 1.18.1
30 хвилин тому
Minecraft StatisticЛаскаво просимо на сторінку сервера! До цього сервера ще немає коментарів, але ви можете це виправити! Напишіть відгук про сервер! Чи сподобалося вам грати на ньому? Що цікавого є на сервері? Які проблеми у вас виникають, коли ви граєте на сервері? Пишіть про свої пригоди, івенти, споруди, і не забувайте додавати скріншоти. Напишіть все, що вважаєте за потрібне, спільнота гравців хоче знати більше!
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- ms.semisurvivalcraft.com
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-=[MineBuilders]=- -=[1.7/1.8]=- -=[Wiping in: NOW]=-
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- play.fruitsmp.fun
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- jogar.endercraft.com.br
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- mcl.blossomcraft.org
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- mc-flexcraft.com
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- buzz.catcraft.net
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