Casual-Craft XI {Whitelisted} {Semi-Vanilla} {1.20.1}
Статус: | оффлайн |
IP адреса та порт: | (натисніть, щоб скопіювати) |
Гравці: | 0/100
Версія: | 1.20.1 1.17.1 |
Країна: |
![]() |
Тип сервера: | PC Edition |
Тип гри: | SMP |
Мапа: | world |
Оновлено: | Виключений з моніторингу ON |
Доданий: | |
Ост. онлайн: | |
Ост. оффлайн: | |
ПЗ сервера: | Paper 1.20.1 |
Apply for the whitelist now! Casual-Craft has been around for over 4 years now!
The casual-craft economy relies mainly on diamonds. We use a per-player MOB CAP system that way each player gets an even spread of mobs! We have strict rules and policies however we do ALLOW AFK farms and contraptions to be built on the server and feature a growing spawn filled with player shops. Casual-Craft is made by players for players!
The server is always freshly generated with the latest Minecraft version, usually within one month of release. Our goal is to provide our players with a fun and community-minded server, where you are free to enjoy your game and make friends without being griefed or harassed.
We seek to provide a good balance within the challenge that a vanilla game provides along with the addition of a few simple tweaks that allow you to protect your hard-earned items and builds. These few plugins are small and you decide if you would like to make use of them or not. If you dont, then you will not see any changes from the traditional vanilla experience.
Our rules are largely standard and common sense and you will be fairly treated by our staff. We dont like to punish players with bans unless it is very serious or become uncontrollable.
If you are interested, we would love to meet you, please click this link to be redirected straight to the whitelist application.
We welcome your application to our community!
Disclaimer: Not everyone will get accepted onto the server, we are not needing to fill our server with as many people as possible and such and select the applications that are well done and show that you have taken time on them. If you rush through it, chances are you wont be accepted.
Apply for the whitelist now! Casual-Craft has been around for over 4 years now!
The casual-craft economy relies mainly on diamonds. We use a per-player MOB CAP system that way each player gets an even spread of mobs! We have strict rules and policies however we do ALLOW AFK farms and contraptions to be built on the server and feature a growing spawn filled with player shops. Casual-Craft is made by players for players!
The server is always freshly generated with the latest Minecraft version, usually within one month of release. Our goal is to provide our players with a fun and community-minded server, where you are free to enjoy your game and make friends without being griefed or harassed.
We seek to provide a good balance within the challenge that a vanilla game provides along with the addition of a few simple tweaks that allow you to protect your hard-earned items and builds. These few plugins are small and you decide if you would like to make use of them or not. If you dont, then you will not see any changes from the traditional vanilla experience.
Our rules are largely standard and common sense and you will be fairly treated by our staff. We dont like to punish players with bans unless it is very serious or become uncontrollable.
If you are interested, we would love to meet you, please click this link to be redirected straight to the whitelist application.
We welcome your application to our community!
Disclaimer: Not everyone will get accepted onto the server, we are not needing to fill our server with as many people as possible and such and select the applications that are well done and show that you have taken time on them. If you rush through it, chances are you wont be accepted.
#vanilla #papermc #semi-vanilla #private #whitelist
Як підключитися і грати на цьому сервері?
- У вас повинна бути встановлена гра версії 1.20.1.
Як це перевірити? При старті лаунчера, версія гри буде відображена праворуч, знизу. Якщо вона іншої версії, вам слід змінити поточний профіль (зліва, знизу) і вибрати версію 1.20.1 - Натисніть кнопку ГРАТИ, зачекайте завантаження Minecraft.
- Виберіть: Гра у мережі
- Натисніть кнопку "Пряме підключення", або якщо хочете зберегти сервер у своєму списку, натискаєте кнопку "Додати сервер"
- У поле "Адреса сервера" напишіть: (натисніть, щоб скопіювати)
30 хвилин тому
Minecraft StatisticЛаскаво просимо на сторінку сервера! До цього сервера ще немає коментарів, але ви можете це виправити! Напишіть відгук про сервер! Чи сподобалося вам грати на ньому? Що цікавого є на сервері? Які проблеми у вас виникають, коли ви граєте на сервері? Пишіть про свої пригоди, івенти, споруди, і не забувайте додавати скріншоти. Напишіть все, що вважаєте за потрібне, спільнота гравців хоче знати більше!
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