

  • 2021-12-09 10:56:18
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  • Коментарі - 2
  • Сервери - 0
  • Гравці - 0
  • Afeef_1060 про гравця DiodeNada hey im diode's friend he plays more than 12 hours per day and he is a pro gamer,
    he has many farms and builds in the server, he is one of the wealthiest in the server.

  • Afeef_1060 про гравця Ashthepro1 Hey! I am Ashthepro, I play on kotcraft on a huge town named arstotzka its builded by me and my friends ggmcbumumshrey, Deltahalo, Itznoahlols, Monylols, and many more players!
    I do have a youtube channel but i don't upload any videos.

    thanks for reaching out!

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