- 2021-10-26 21:06:33
- Коментарі - 1
- Сервери - 0
- Гравці - 0

Bliteve про гравця
Bliteve This website seems different. I am the owner of the account Bliteve, but that is not my skin, bridgepractice.net is not the only server I have played on and most likely I have played more than 1 hour of Minecraft on my account. I do not know if this website is legit but namemc.net does almost the same thing but does not have things like: average per day servers played and visited. So please fix it so my real Minecraft profile is shown. Here is my namemc page -https://namemc.com/profile/Bliteve.1

Про менеI am the owner of the Bliteve account