

  • 2021-10-18 21:42:49
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  • Коментарі - 2
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  • Calvin_Chong8416 про гравця Oxieyty Oxieyty, TP trap people, never grind any stuff by himself, always begging for stuff, what a lazy ass. He said he doesn’t have friends, but the truth is that he stab them all from behind to get their stuff. As the owner of the server. I can read the record anytime, what he is doing and what did he said I know all the time. And he still have courage to ask item from me, lying that he have max armor when he just have protection 1. He is awful and really make me sick. By doing these bad things and he said he pray to God? He is a disgrace.
  • Calvin_Chong8416 про гравця qwwe0 Qwwe0, a “Hacker”, what a joke, a hacker that asks for a password instead of really hacking it. His dumbness is a joke for the whole server. Btw, when he said he know others' IPs and give random numbers like 871.242124. This is not an ipv4 address, and an ipv4 address has a maximum of One more thing, he asked for the password from a student with a degree in Computer Networking and Security, holder of Cert ified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certificate.This is how dumb he is.
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