

  • 2017-08-25 22:57:50
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  • ca Канада
  • Коментарі - 3
  • Сервери - 0
  • Гравці - 0
  • Bluely про гравця Phoenixx_5 Phoenixx_5 is an arrogant immature child that thinks he entitled just because he is the step brother of a minecraft server owner, he argues with people over little things and goes behind peoples back just to get his way. He made some call me very rude and disgusting things because he read his step brothers messages on the MC server.
  • Bluely про гравця grinder03 Grinder03 is an immature child that doesn't understand the severity of his action from which he did on a previous server. He was an admin on FriendlySurvival but deciced he was bored of it and griefed the server using tnt, destroying it. Later he completely deleted the servers discord. Grinder03 has said very rude and disgusting things to me just because I private messaged the old server owner to apologize for drama, I had said that the owners step brother was too arrogant and thinks hes entitled, and he agreed with me, but the step brother saw it and told Grinder03 which made things spiral downwards.
  • Bluely про гравця BluelyRaptor An awesome gamer and an aspiring youtuber.
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