- 2017-01-04 10:39:26
- Коментарі - 1
- Сервери - 0
- Гравці - 0

chatii про гравця
YunusKarsli I was hacked by Minecraft account on "YunusKarsli". This user was playing me using my account fraudulently.
On November 30, 2016, a mail with the subject "Your Mojang account email was changed" arrived from Mojang.
In the mail, there is a link "To dispute the change follow this link", and by accessing there I could return to my email address.
And I changed the account password more complicated.
When checking the profile of the account, Profile Name was changed to "YunusKarsli".
I checked the UUID, so it is no doubt that this user did wrong.
(Chatii is my name)
Everyone, please be careful.
Make sure the password is more complicated, and be sure to read mail from Mojang ...

On November 30, 2016, a mail with the subject "Your Mojang account email was changed" arrived from Mojang.
In the mail, there is a link "To dispute the change follow this link", and by accessing there I could return to my email address.
And I changed the account password more complicated.
When checking the profile of the account, Profile Name was changed to "YunusKarsli".
I checked the UUID, so it is no doubt that this user did wrong.
(Chatii is my name)
Everyone, please be careful.
Make sure the password is more complicated, and be sure to read mail from Mojang ...