- 2016-11-10 23:25:34
- Коментарі - 1
- Сервери - 2
- Гравці - 0

MineWarsGaming про гравця
Derp_007 Was a player that griefed the spawn and other players on our MineWars Vanilla 2 server. Log Block confirmed all edits. All grief's were rolled back. Player was banned and appeal is available at our website.
Recommendation: Do not ban, however watch this player for any malicious intent.
Note: May be a new player, may not understand what griefing is. Does not have much play time from any server but ours currently.

Recommendation: Do not ban, however watch this player for any malicious intent.
Note: May be a new player, may not understand what griefing is. Does not have much play time from any server but ours currently.