

  • 2016-11-07 16:19:03
  • youtube
  • gb Англія
  • Коментарі - 1
  • Сервери - 3
  • Гравці - 1
  • Devi1Reign про гравця Devi1Reign Hello! I am the one and only Devi1Reign! I have been called Devi the Destroyer, Devi the developer (instead of "NOOB") and even Devi1Reign the leader in the past. I am an experienced player on Hypixel and play The Hive often. I try my best to be online daily. I do have a YouTube channel @Devi1Reign but haven't uploaded anything because I am yet to find a program that I can record on for free, if you can reccomend any. If you need anymore information, comment here or ideally join the Hive server ( and type /party join Devi1Reign or /party invite Devi1Reign. You can ask any questions you need to there with /p [MESSAGE GOES HERE WITHOUT BRACKETS]. Thank you!
    Devi1Reign 😈
    (P.S- I am female)

  • 7338

