- 2016-07-04 17:18:02
- Коментарі - 1
- Сервери - 0
- Гравці - 0

Rainbow про гравця
King_RyRy This player is a manipulator, a thief and a dangerous boy to play with.
Not only has he stolen the entire content of our community website he has stolen all the files from our server after being in the community for 530 years.
He has told nearly every member that the owner is a peadophile when in fact this it not true. (The kids don't understand the age of consent in the UK is 16..)
Do not let this BOY be a developer for your server. Seriously lads, do-not trust.
This user is also awaiting a court date for theft, slander and damages to a public realm under UK-common Law clause 6.

Not only has he stolen the entire content of our community website he has stolen all the files from our server after being in the community for 530 years.
He has told nearly every member that the owner is a peadophile when in fact this it not true. (The kids don't understand the age of consent in the UK is 16..)
Do not let this BOY be a developer for your server. Seriously lads, do-not trust.
This user is also awaiting a court date for theft, slander and damages to a public realm under UK-common Law clause 6.