Minecraft server play.awyega.com:25669
Статус: | оффлайн |
IP адрес и порт: | play.awyega.com:25635 (нажмите, чтобы скопировать) |
Игроки: | 0/20
Версия: | 1.19.3 |
Страна: |
![]() |
Тип сервера: | PC Edition |
Тип игры: | SMP |
Карта: | testworld |
Обновлен: | Исключен из мониторинга ON |
Добавлен: | |
Посл. онлайн: | |
Посл. оффлайн: | |
ПО сервера: | Purpur on 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT |
---------A W Y E G A---------
We are a new server where you can focus on PvP, adventure on your own, build whatever you want till your hearts content, or join a faction! We offer factions as well as custom items, gear, and skills to keep you invested in the server. We know there are a lot of servers out there you can play on and we appreciate you stopping by and giving us a try. I take any and all suggestions into consideration and am always open to changes. I have also set up a tutorial block in spawn that goes over most of the features of our server.
Join our Discord!
--- Current Features ---
Great community
Dungeons with custom loot
Custom building items and decoration
Two Arenas to test your skill!
Custom bosses and mobs
Random structure spawning (randomly spawned in the wild underground and above ground, some hand placed, multiple teleport locations)
Hundreds of random events
Auction House
No rules (just don't hack, and if you do make it past Spartan you've earned being able to hack)
NPC Shops and Shops GUI!
Custom Crates (as well as a free daily one!)
Friendly staff
Ability to get keys for chests randomly
Custom Armor, Weapons, and Items
Skills to level up your gameplay
Custom enchantments
Jobs & leaderboard
Realistic Fire and Explosions
Levelled Mobs
Custom item drops (rare occassions)
Set Bounties
Feel free to stop by!
We are a new server where you can focus on PvP, adventure on your own, build whatever you want till your hearts content, or join a faction! We offer factions as well as custom items, gear, and skills to keep you invested in the server. We know there are a lot of servers out there you can play on and we appreciate you stopping by and giving us a try. I take any and all suggestions into consideration and am always open to changes. I have also set up a tutorial block in spawn that goes over most of the features of our server.
Join our Discord!
--- Current Features ---
Great community
Dungeons with custom loot
Custom building items and decoration
Two Arenas to test your skill!
Custom bosses and mobs
Random structure spawning (randomly spawned in the wild underground and above ground, some hand placed, multiple teleport locations)
Hundreds of random events
Auction House
No rules (just don't hack, and if you do make it past Spartan you've earned being able to hack)
NPC Shops and Shops GUI!
Custom Crates (as well as a free daily one!)
Friendly staff
Ability to get keys for chests randomly
Custom Armor, Weapons, and Items
Skills to level up your gameplay
Custom enchantments
Jobs & leaderboard
Realistic Fire and Explosions
Levelled Mobs
Custom item drops (rare occassions)
Set Bounties
Feel free to stop by!
Как подключиться и играть на этом сервере?
- У вас должна быть установлена игра, версии 1.19.3.
Как это проверить? При старте лаунчера, версия игры будет отображена справа, внизу. Если она другой версии, вам следует изменить текущий профиль (слева, внизу) и выбрать версию 1.19.3 - Нажмите кнопку ИГРАТЬ, подождите загрузки игры Minecraft.
- Выберите: Сетевая игра
- Нажмите кнопку "Прямое подключение", или если хотите сохранить сервер в своем списке, нажимаете кнопку "Добавить сервер"
- В поле "Адрес сервера" напишите: play.awyega.com:25635 (нажмите, чтобы скопировать)
Плагины (104)
- ViaVersion
- LuckPerms
- FastAsyncWorldEdit
- Vault
- ProtocolLib
- PlaceholderAPI
- BKCommonLib
- WorldGuard
- LibsDisguises
- My_Worlds
- DecentHolograms
- MythicMobs
- GriefPrevention
- AureliumSkills
- MythicLib
- SCore
- Citizens
- NexEngine
- MMOItems
- ExecutableItems
- ExcellentCrates
- eco
- Essentials
- LM_Items
- LevelledMobs
- ModelEngine
- mcMMO
- EliteMobs
- floodgate
- Votifier
- SuperVanish
- GPFlags
- ViaBackwards
- GSit
- BCommons
- DeluxeTags
- EcoEnchants
- CMILib
- VotingPlugin
- spark
- SilkSpawners_v2
- EternalTags
- theBartender
- GPExtension
- MedievalFactions
- WorldGuardExtraFlags
- EconomyShopGUI-Premium
- Iris
- EvenMoreFish
- NoPlugins
- AuctionHouse
- LoneLibs
- BetterStructures
- NoChunkLag
- CClearChat
- zDiscord
- JSEngine
- CombatPlus
- ViaRewind
- EpicReplant
- eGlow
- NoteBlockAPI
- CommandPrompter
- VoxelSniper
- InteractionVisualizer
- Vulcan
- Nebula
- TimedRewards
- ChatManager
- ItemJoin
- PlayerWarps
- GodItems
- PlayerVaults
- ClearLag
- goBrush
- Jobs
- SimpleRename
- TradeSystem
- AntiFarm
- GadgetsMenu
- FarmControl
- EssentialsChat
- DivineDrop
- Quests
- AlonsoTags
- BetterRTP
- LumberJack
- BetterProfiles
- ChestShop
- Minepacks
- DeluxeMenus
- ChatEmojis
- PostBox
- GCore
- ChatItem
- UltraRegions
- EssentialsSpawn
- Gunging_Ootilities_Plugin
- DragonSlayer
- CrackedBlocks
- libreforge
30 минут назад
Minecraft StatisticДобро пожаловать на страницу сервера! К этому серверу еще нет комментариев! Напишите отзыв о сервере! Понравилось ли вам играть на нем? Что интересного есть на сервере? Какие проблемы у вас возникают, когда вы играете на сервере? Пишите про свои приключения, ивенты, постройки, и добавляйте свои скриншоты.
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