Hbm/McHeli/Rival Rebels
Статус: | оффлайн |
IP адрес и порт: | (нажмите, чтобы скопировать) |
Игроки: | 0/21
Версия: | 1.7.10 1.7.10 |
Страна: |
![]() |
Тип сервера: | PC Edition |
Тип игры: | FML |
Карта: | world |
Обновлен: | Исключен из мониторинга ON |
Добавлен: | |
Посл. онлайн: | |
Посл. оффлайн: | |
ПО сервера: | 1.7.10 |
(Rules) (Discord Server has the rules updated, the rules your currently reading is outdated)
1. No using Schrabidium hammer.
2. This one of obvious but no hacking which includes using any x-ray texture packs too, I can see what you have in the join logs.
3. No offline Raiding.
4. You can’t raid newplayers for 3 hours unless he/she attacks another base that isn’t under protection.
5. You must give a 10 second warning to the player your about to launch a nuke/missile to. (Surprise attacks are allowed btw)
6. No using eup (re allowed since Ik a few weapons that can bypass that armor)
7. Your base can be in any dimension but it must have some sort of visible entrance.
8. When raiding someone, you can’t dig your way in.
9. No raid logging or combat loggin (if your getting raided and you decide to log off, that person can still attack you for the next 4 hours.)
1. No using Schrabidium hammer.
2. This one of obvious but no hacking which includes using any x-ray texture packs too, I can see what you have in the join logs.
3. No offline Raiding.
4. You can’t raid newplayers for 3 hours unless he/she attacks another base that isn’t under protection.
5. You must give a 10 second warning to the player your about to launch a nuke/missile to. (Surprise attacks are allowed btw)
6. No using eup (re allowed since Ik a few weapons that can bypass that armor)
7. Your base can be in any dimension but it must have some sort of visible entrance.
8. When raiding someone, you can’t dig your way in.
9. No raid logging or combat loggin (if your getting raided and you decide to log off, that person can still attack you for the next 4 hours.)
#hbm #nuclear #nukes #nuclearcraft #tech #war #warps #warpstones #wars #clan #clans #team #rival #rebels
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Плагины (57)
- mcp
- Forge
- kimagine
- appliedenergistics2-core
- CodeChickenCore
- voltzenginepreloader
- heart
- AncientWarfare
- CoFHCore
- BuildCraft|Core
- AncientWarfareAutomation
- AncientWarfareNEIPlugin
- AncientWarfareNpc
- AncientWarfareStructure
- appliedenergistics2
- voltzengine
- armory
- bookshelf
- ThermalFoundation
- ThermalExpansion
- BuildCraft|Compat
- chisel
- ComputerCraft
- confighealth
- customnpcs
- Dynmap
- eplus
- gravestone
- iChunUtil
- Hats
- hbm
- healthindicator
- icbmclassic
- icbmsentry
- ImmersiveEngineering
- ironbackpacks
- IronChest
- ironfurnaces
- LunatriusCore
- mcheli
- nodami
- openmodularturrets
- ProjectE
- rivalrebels
- Schematica
- SoManyEnchantments
- EnchExtensioner
- spark
- Techguns
- ThermalDynamics
- voltzenginemodcompat
- voltzenginemodflag
- waystones
30 минут назад
Minecraft StatisticДобро пожаловать на страницу сервера! К этому серверу еще нет комментариев! Напишите отзыв о сервере! Понравилось ли вам играть на нем? Что интересного есть на сервере? Какие проблемы у вас возникают, когда вы играете на сервере? Пишите про свои приключения, ивенты, постройки, и добавляйте свои скриншоты.
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