A Minecraft Server
Статус: | оффлайн |
IP адрес и порт: | (нажмите, чтобы скопировать) |
Игроки: | 0/20
Версия: | 1.12.2 1.16.5 |
Страна: | США |
Тип сервера: | PC Edition |
Тип игры: | FML |
Карта: | world |
Обновлен: | Исключен из мониторинга ON |
Добавлен: | |
Посл. онлайн: | |
Посл. оффлайн: | |
ПО сервера: | Mohist 1.12.2 |
A server empowered by its players and staff. We are a questing based server in 1.16.5 . We hold our community's opinions in high regards and always to make sure to deliver a decent and playable experience. Though we are not perfect we strive to be the very best.
Server hours : 8am est to 9pm est
Pack is in our discord server!
Join our discord : https://discord.gg/wJWFhNUkqAРегистрация и входSimply get pack from server, import to curseforge, plug in ip, and open a ticket if something goes wrong.
Server hours : 8am est to 9pm est
Pack is in our discord server!
Join our discord : https://discord.gg/wJWFhNUkqA
#pixelmon #pixelmonreforged #rpg #mmo #1.16.5 #forge #java #discord
Регистрация и входSimply get pack from server, import to curseforge, plug in ip, and open a ticket if something goes wrong.ПравилаPlay nice
Use your head
No slurs
No nsfw
No xray
No hacksКак подключиться и играть на этом сервере?
Use your head
No slurs
No nsfw
No xray
No hacks
Как подключиться и играть на этом сервере?
Чтобы играть на этом сервере, вам необходимо скачать лаунчер, который добавил администратор сервера.
Плагины (271)
- minecraft
- mcp
- mohist
- forge
- otgcore
- mixinbooter
- backpacked
- bnbgamingcore
- obfuscate
- randompatches
- securitycraft
- a_food
- aether_legacy
- aether_legacy_addon
- ageingspawners
- infinitylib
- agricraft
- akashictome
- forgelin
- alib
- crafttweaker
- alchemistry
- baubles
- roots
- mysticalworld
- chisel
- mantle
- tombstone
- quark
- thaumcraft
- twilightforest
- tconstruct
- extrautils2
- flyringbaublemod
- animalcrops
- biomesoplenty
- botania
- craftstudioapi
- openterraingenerator
- harvestcraft
- animania
- anvilpatch
- placebo
- apotheosis
- applecore
- appleskin
- aquaculture
- armoreablemobs
- thedragonlib
- armorplus
- astralsorcery
- atlaslib
- attributefix
- autoreglib
- bno
- bhc
- bdlib
- bedbreakbegone
- bedpatch
- betterburning
- llibrary
- mowziesmobs
- patchouli
- bewitchment
- forestry
- binniecore
- binniedesign
- genetics
- botany
- extrabees
- extratrees
- biomebundle
- cyclicmagic
- guideapi
- bloodmagic
- bloodsmeltery
- bloodagricraft
- bloodarsenal
- conarm
- bloodtinker
- bonsaitrees
- bookshelf
- bountiful
- codechickenlib
- redstoneflux
- brandonscore
- collective
- breedablekillerrabbit
- buildinggadgets
- careerbees
- carryon
- chameleon
- chancecubes
- chesttransporter
- chickens
- chiselsandbits
- chocoboknights
- chococraftplus
- clumps
- compactmachines3
- supermartijn642corelib
- connectedglass
- coralreef
- cosmeticarmorreworked
- crafttweakerjei
- crimsonrevelations
- cucumber
- customizeddungeonloot
- customnpcs
- cxlibrary
- darkutils
- deepmoblearning
- deepmoblearningbm
- disenchanter
- theoneprobe
- immersiveengineering
- divergentunderground
- doggytalents
- doubledoors
- draconicevolution
- durability101
- dynview
- ebwizardry
- elevatorid
- eplus
- epicsiegemod
- excompressum
- experiencebugfix
- minerva
- extraalchemy
- golems
- potioncore
- extra_spells
- fairylights
- falling_tree
- familiarfauna
- fastleafdecay
- fenceoverhaul
- foodexpansion
- forbidden_arcanus
- fossil
- friendlyfire
- gendustry
- geneticsreborn
- cgm
- hatchery
- ichunutil
- hats
- headcrumbs
- horse_colors
- hunterillager
- iceandfire
- illagers_plus
- improvedbackpacks
- instrumentalmobs
- inventorypets
- ironbackpacks
- ironchest
- ironfurnaces
- journeymap
- libraryex
- limitlessstructureblocks
- timecore
- lootgames
- lootr
- lunatriuscore
- magicbees
- mahoutsukai
- mapfrontiers
- maxpotidext
- mcwpaintings
- medivalmusic
- mjrlegendslib
- moartinkers
- mobends
- mobsunscreen
- morecauldrons
- morebees
- morechickens
- morefurnaces
- shear
- morph
- supermartijn642configlib
- movingelevators
- multimob
- gachashroom
- mysticalagriculture
- mysticalagradditions
- mystagradcompat
- naturescompass
- netheroresplus
- netherex
- netherportalfix
- nabb
- yurtmod
- nmsot
- samsocean
- oreexcavation
- oeintegration
- oreberries
- simplerecipes
- pigstep
- plonk
- thaumicwands
- polymancy
- portablecraftingtable
- portalgun
- portality
- potionfingers
- primitivemobs
- quarkoddities
- randomtweaks
- rats
- resourcehogs
- additionalstructures
- roost
- jeid
- roughtweaks
- ruins
- shearmadness
- signpost
- silentlib
- silentgems
- simple-rpc
- simplycats
- sit
- slimebreeder
- snowrealmagic
- xat
- spartanweaponry
- spartanfire
- spartanshields
- spartantwilight
- spiceoflife
- stackie
- stackrefill
- stg
- storagedrawers
- storagedrawersextra
- strawgolem
- supersoundmuffler
- sync
- syncusecore
- tfspellpack
- tcomplement
- tinkertoolleveling
- tp
- tmel
- torchslabmod
- tramplestopper
- travelersbackpack
- tropicraft
- ultimate_unicorn_mod
- vehicle
- voicechat
- waterstrainer
- waystones
- wearablebackpacks
- wings
- mowzies_wings
- bauble_wings
- withercrumbs
- xlfoodmod
- xpfromharvest
- yoyos
- rebornmod
- wizardryutils
- mospells
- solcarrot
- mysticallib
30 минут назад
Minecraft StatisticДобро пожаловать на страницу сервера! К этому серверу еще нет комментариев! Напишите отзыв о сервере! Понравилось ли вам играть на нем? Что интересного есть на сервере? Какие проблемы у вас возникают, когда вы играете на сервере? Пишите про свои приключения, ивенты, постройки, и добавляйте свои скриншоты.
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