Статус: | оффлайн |
IP адрес и порт: | 5b5t.net (нажмите, чтобы скопировать) |
Игроки: | 0/100
Версия: | 1.18.2 1.16.5 |
Страна: |
![]() |
Тип сервера: | PC Edition |
Тип игры: | SMP |
Карта: | world |
Обновлен: | Исключен из мониторинга ON |
Добавлен: | |
Посл. онлайн: | |
Посл. оффлайн: | |
ПО сервера: | Paper 1.18.2 |
WARNING!! 18+ server.
If you are a kid then beat it!
Originally created sometime in 2018, this was my family's server and also an archive for all of the bases I have either built or been a part of. Then I made it public, with all those bases and landmarks protected. That was lame, so I removed all of those and left only one spot on the main map that is protected that our family can play on. Time went on and I redesigned spawn with a bedrock Jesus as the starting point with protection so you wont be spawn camped. Then I removed the city world and added 1k of it in the surrounding region of spawn proper. The server still felt bland and needed more fun, so I added the 2017 20k 2b2t world download map past the city, things were perfect! A little bit of this, a little bit of that, plus the other worlds to explore, things felt good for me.
Migration... Going from 1.12 to 1.14 was hell, in fact the potato server just couldn't handle it, and 1.15 was much worse. At this point I chopped out some of the other worlds and kept it as simple as possible without losing the original intent of having a multi-world survival server.
Then the 100K 2b WDL came, and I just had to add it, but only up to 25k, due to size... That didn't last therefore, the full 100k map was added and the server was upgraded. Not too much longer 1.16 was added and now we are at the cusp of 1.17, so that might make the map break in weird ways.
You start in a bedrock Jesus, this is /spawn. Exit the doors and struggle through 1000 meters of chaos city, then struggle through an old 2b2t 100k map for fun. past 50k will generate new chunks, enjoy.
Type /motd for helpful tips and commands.
You can try to survive in a variety of single biome worlds with no nether, only over-world. Such worlds are: Badlands, Ocean, Stone, and Main Anarchy map. Main map has nether and end.
Hunt players for their heads.
Explore old relics.
Play hide and seek in the old hub region.
Cheat and hack, just don't overload the server.
Some 'features' have been disabled due to exploit.
Alternate ip is esmine.net
Same old crappy maikerumine server that makes absolutely no sense at all.
Правила1 rule: Don't break the server or do any illegal IRL things here.
If you are a kid then beat it!
Originally created sometime in 2018, this was my family's server and also an archive for all of the bases I have either built or been a part of. Then I made it public, with all those bases and landmarks protected. That was lame, so I removed all of those and left only one spot on the main map that is protected that our family can play on. Time went on and I redesigned spawn with a bedrock Jesus as the starting point with protection so you wont be spawn camped. Then I removed the city world and added 1k of it in the surrounding region of spawn proper. The server still felt bland and needed more fun, so I added the 2017 20k 2b2t world download map past the city, things were perfect! A little bit of this, a little bit of that, plus the other worlds to explore, things felt good for me.
Migration... Going from 1.12 to 1.14 was hell, in fact the potato server just couldn't handle it, and 1.15 was much worse. At this point I chopped out some of the other worlds and kept it as simple as possible without losing the original intent of having a multi-world survival server.
Then the 100K 2b WDL came, and I just had to add it, but only up to 25k, due to size... That didn't last therefore, the full 100k map was added and the server was upgraded. Not too much longer 1.16 was added and now we are at the cusp of 1.17, so that might make the map break in weird ways.
You start in a bedrock Jesus, this is /spawn. Exit the doors and struggle through 1000 meters of chaos city, then struggle through an old 2b2t 100k map for fun. past 50k will generate new chunks, enjoy.
Type /motd for helpful tips and commands.
You can try to survive in a variety of single biome worlds with no nether, only over-world. Such worlds are: Badlands, Ocean, Stone, and Main Anarchy map. Main map has nether and end.
Hunt players for their heads.
Explore old relics.
Play hide and seek in the old hub region.
Cheat and hack, just don't overload the server.
Some 'features' have been disabled due to exploit.
Alternate ip is esmine.net
Same old crappy maikerumine server that makes absolutely no sense at all.
#maikerumine #esmine #5b5t #anarchy #survival #challenge #grief #hack #hacking #chaos #multiworld #cheating #single #biome #stone #stoneworld

Правила1 rule: Don't break the server or do any illegal IRL things here. Как подключиться и играть на этом сервере?
- У вас должна быть установлена игра, версии 1.18.2.
Как это проверить? При старте лаунчера, версия игры будет отображена справа, внизу. Если она другой версии, вам следует изменить текущий профиль (слева, внизу) и выбрать версию 1.18.2
- Нажмите кнопку ИГРАТЬ, подождите загрузки игры Minecraft.
- Выберите: Сетевая игра
- Нажмите кнопку "Прямое подключение", или если хотите сохранить сервер в своем списке, нажимаете кнопку "Добавить сервер"
- В поле "Адрес сервера" напишите: 5b5t.net (нажмите, чтобы скопировать)
Как это проверить? При старте лаунчера, версия игры будет отображена справа, внизу. Если она другой версии, вам следует изменить текущий профиль (слева, внизу) и выбрать версию 1.18.2
30 минут назад
Minecraft StatisticДобро пожаловать на страницу сервера! К этому серверу еще нет комментариев! Напишите отзыв о сервере! Понравилось ли вам играть на нем? Что интересного есть на сервере? Какие проблемы у вас возникают, когда вы играете на сервере? Пишите про свои приключения, ивенты, постройки, и добавляйте свои скриншоты.
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