- 2022-02-01 14:51:09
- Комментарии - 1
- Сервера - 0
- Игроки - 0

ItzFantasy про игрока
ItzFantasyMC hello there itzfantasymc here first is my skin isnt steve i have my actuall skin that i have made and i mostly play on hive and im a boy and makes hive content on youtube and yes i have youtube here is the link if you are interested or something https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcMNS_dgQnfmW44ox4j6NAw and i mostly do pvp and im a pvp main sometimes do surivival if i dont feel like pvp also i the last online was incorrect im always online on hive i dont know yet but statistics might be wrong and if u wanna add me my ign is ItzFantasyMC thanks you for anyone who is reading this message