- 2017-08-28 07:36:15
- Комментарии - 3
- Сервера - 0
- Игроки - 0

SHADOWELITE7 про игрока
ShadowElite7 And also I created an account so the statistics are different on my new account


SHADOWELITE7 про скин 5d2f2f74ef72efcec80ce01abd67bdcc2dbf9d8dec10bf66a2a19517ee519d37 I created it so i like it

SHADOWELITE7 про игрока
ShadowElite7 I am SHADOWELITE7,
That's my skin, not sure how it got here
youtube might update it soon due to shadowplay: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCznjfYBpkkw-o5VWP-8drTg
google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/111919585422229781840
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SHADOWELITE7
Well by just looking at the stats about me, I have not played Minecraft in a while due to school, programming Javascript on playcanvas
Bio: I played games since 2004 at the age of 3, I played Age of Empires 1, 2, 3. My cousins introduced me Minecraft in 2011, I only played creative mode cause the crafting is hard, but now 1.12.1 crafting book helped me. I pretty much play other games now at the age of 16 and due to school. The stats are correct, I haven't played Minecraft in a while but I might come back to it again. Keep me in touch, support me, good luck.

That's my skin, not sure how it got here
youtube might update it soon due to shadowplay: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCznjfYBpkkw-o5VWP-8drTg
google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/111919585422229781840
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SHADOWELITE7
Well by just looking at the stats about me, I have not played Minecraft in a while due to school, programming Javascript on playcanvas
Bio: I played games since 2004 at the age of 3, I played Age of Empires 1, 2, 3. My cousins introduced me Minecraft in 2011, I only played creative mode cause the crafting is hard, but now 1.12.1 crafting book helped me. I pretty much play other games now at the age of 16 and due to school. The stats are correct, I haven't played Minecraft in a while but I might come back to it again. Keep me in touch, support me, good luck.