- 2017-05-20 09:34:06
- youtube
- Комментарии - 3
- Сервера - 0
- Игроки - 1

Megamonster про игрока
MegaMonsterManTv Ok so i was typing about my self when the side just refresh it sel so i lost about 500 words and beceouse im lazy bi*** 😂i dont wanna type it again so i tell you that Taday IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! 🎉🎊🕺🏼🙌🏼😊😂😁👌🏼 i have 15! so yah that about it 😂.

Megamonster про игрока
MegaMonsterManTv Oh and can you please cancel that thing you can download the skin please i made it my self and i dont want to someone steal it from me :/ thnx :)

Megamonster про игрока
MegaMonsterManTv Hi i have a YT channel not big but im happy with it :) and i plays on theese servers: qplay.cz,wasabicraft,craftmania,survivalgames and sometimes on gameteam. So if you wanna find me you know where :)