- 2016-12-25 13:39:06
- Комментарии - 1
- Сервера - 1
- Игроки - 1

TrexisOfNioFIRE про игрока
Jake0125 I played TheArchon OP Prison with him and he was the true MVP!!! I havent seen him in months and he was on 16 hours ago!!! I cant believe it! Also, Jake0125, if you're reading this, my MC name was "IronKingRaz" but I changed it to "TrexisOfNioFIRE". I really miss you, Jake! Also, I followed you!
~~~TrexisOfNioFIRE (IronKingRaz (Raz))

~~~TrexisOfNioFIRE (IronKingRaz (Raz))